h.b; period

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hey lovelies, sorry theres so many henry and patrick imagines. ill get more victor out very very soon. this one was requested for henry or patrick, so enjoy!

also, this was written on my computer so the format may be a bit odd?


You woke up with that all to familiar feeling in your stomach. You knew it was that time of the month again. 

You groaned lightly to yourself as you turned over on your side to face you your sleepy eyed boyfriend, henry.

"good morning, angel" he murmured, placing a soft kiss on your exposed shoulder.

"morning, henry" you smiled back at him.

he slowly trailed his hand down to your hip. you automatically knew what he wanted, but you couldn't give it to him. 

"baby, not today"you whine at him. he pulls away. you cant tell if anger or confusion lace his features. maybe a bit of both.

"why the hell not?" he asks.

"i started my period" you say, gesturing towards down there.

"oh, im uh.. im sorry y/n" he says, blushing.

"its okay, i just want to go back to sleep." you reply, yawning.

"okay, im gonna go downstairs" he shrugs, hopping out of the bed to haul a shirt onto his body. you nod at him before falling back into a calming sleep.

The next time you awaken, your not greeted with pain, but to the sight of henry clumsily trying to carry a tray into the room. you sit up rubbing your eyes, trying to get an idea of what in the hell he was doing.

he lays down a tray with a plate and two drinks on it. One is coffee (or tea if your like me) and the other one was orange juice. the plate was filled with pancakes, bacon, and fruit. you start to tear up at his thoughtfulness. 

"henry, you didnt have to do all this" you chuckle.

"i wanted to baby, you deserve it" he smiles, and you pull him into your lips for a kiss.

"thankyou, love" you reply, picking up a fork.

"heres the remote. watch whatever. im going out for a second. ill be back in about 10 minutes" he says, kissing the top of your head.

you nod at him and dig into the food, turning on full house.

10 minutes later, hes clambering into the room again with a bag. he lays it down besides you and tells you too look inside.

you open it up, revealing chocolate, blankets, flowers, and a heating pad, along with some tampons. you smile up at him. 

he looks away, blushing. but you catch his chin with your hand and turn his blue eyes towards your e/c ones.

"you truly are the best boyfriend in the world, Henry Bowers" you say too him.

"only for the best girlfriend in the world, y/n l/n" he replies cheesily.

you spend the rest of the day cuddled up in the blankets, watching tv and sharing your chocolates with him.

you truly were a lucky girl.


the heat were having here is driving me MAD. i also had a dream that owen teauge was my boyfriend and some girl tried to steal him and i was like nah uh hunny get your own mini adam driver, this mans is mine. smh.

emma xo

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