you get a dog

4.6K 63 48

-you guys get a huge dog
-Henry didn't want a tiny dog bc they're too 'boring'
-he gives it one of those chain collars
-tries to train it
-does pretty good
-has so much trouble trying to feed it

-for sure buys a Rottweiler
-wants to name it something dangerous
-tries to buy 2 to make them have puppies
-buys everything for it
-such a caring dog dad
-let's it sleep in the bed even if it pushes you out

-buys a lil puppy
-buys it so much stuff
-literally so caring
-cuddles it (can you imagine)
-let's it use his jacket to warm up
-pets it all the time
-forgets you exist for like a week

-buys a medium sized dog too
-let's it in his car
-buys it a New York Yankees dog cover
-let's you name it
-you all cuddle him
-trains it
-overfeeds it treats

sorry ive been so inactive, thanks so much for 5k! oh my god i have bunches of updates for you guys, so please don't give up hope yet lol


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