p.h; without me

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this is based off of the song "without me" by halsey. let me know if you like these kinds of imagines and what other songs to do if you do like them.

song lyrics are in bolded italics

emma xx


found you when your heart was broke, i filled your cup until it overflowed

you had started dating patrick just when he had gotten out of a relationship. he had a drinking problem, and drugs were thrown into the mix too. you knew he was no good for you, yet he was so intoxicating and there was something about him that always left you coming back for more.

took it so far to keep you close, i was afraid to leave you on your own

you grew to love him, even when he abused you. you knew deep down he loved you too. you two went through everything to keep your relationship intact, you were terrified that he would die if you left him, you helped him with all of his addictions, and there was also a part of you that thought maybe he would kill you if you left, because you knew he was capable.

then i got you off your knees, put you right back on your feet, just so you could take advantage of me

you eventually managed to get him fully out of his addictions, you two did surprisingly well in school, you even rose to be quite popular. victor, henry, belch, you, and patrick were some of the most popular people in derry, and it was all because of you. but one day, you found out patrick was cheating on you. you had been taken advantage of, and you were furious.

does it ever get lonely? thinking you could live without me, baby im the one who put you up there

you and patrick broke up after he left you for the girl he was seeing behind your back. it hurt like hell, seeing her replace you. but she eventually left him for someone else. patrick felt horrible for what he had done, and he fell back into his old ways, drinking and drugs, and you started dating henry. patrick learned how it felt, being replaced. seeing you at the top with henry hurt him, and he realized he should have never made the mistake of leaving you.

gave love 'bout a hundred tries, just running from the demons in your mind, then I took yours and made 'em mine, i didn't notice 'cause my love was blind

you guys got back together after henry and you decided to call it quits and stay friends. you adopted patricks drinking habits, you took drugs with him, and you never notice how bad and corrupted he made you, because you were shielded by the love you had for him.

you don't have to say just what you did, i already know, i had to go and find out from them

one night he came home with the smell of another girls perfume on him. he thought he had it concealed, but the rest of the gang had told you earlier that they saw him cheating. you were extremely hurt, you didn't think he would do it again. but, you decided not to end things with him, because you and henry developed a plan.

so tell me hows it feel

you took him to a bar the next night, you made sure not to drink, but you danced with him, laughed at his stupid jokes and played his game like he wanted you to. until he caught you, back pressed to a wall, lips locked to another pair that were not his, but instead, they were henry bowers'. at first, he thought you maybe drank to much, but then he realized you hadn't taken a sip of anything besides water the whole night. and he realized you knew what he had done, he knew this was his payback. and he knew you would never take or want him back now.

does it ever get lonely? thinking you could live without me

you and patrick ended for good that night, and you and henry went on to be the couple everyone loved, he continued to drink, pop pills, cheat on his now girlfriend, and he dropped out of school. he realized, he could never live without you


alright loves, please comment and let me know what you thought. also, leave more song suggestions below if you want

also look at me updating frequently good job emma

i love u all 



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