p.h; red string

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I got this super creative idea from @GenRose1123 . i hope you guys like it!


i was walking through the halls of school, trying to get to my next period class,  when i was pushed pack forcefully into another figure.

confusion took over my body as i wondered what caused the sudden force, but my thoughts were rudely interrupted by Patrick Hockstetters voice yelling at me.

"whats your problem? why do you feel the need too crash into me?" he asks, his words laced with hatred.

"it wasn't me, dumbass" i reply, before starting to walk away again, only to once again be pushed back into him.

we both exchange confused glances to each other, before we look down and see my left hand and his right hand intertwined together with a piece of bright red string. 

"what the hell?" he asks, his fingers reaching down to fumble with it. he is unsuccessful in untying it, and he just sighs in defeat.

"well im going to be late for french class, so if you could just kindly leave, it would be great" i say, not realizing how stupid i sound.

completely disregarding my comment, he asks me "do you have a pair of scissors?" 

i nod, taking my free hand to grab the scissors from my bag before handing them to him.

he starts trying to cut through the string, before failing at that ten times as well, he hands me back the scissors and looks at me.

"well, we cant stay here all day, we have 2 complete different schedules, so we might as well do something" he suggests, i narrow my eyes at him, not sure what hes implying.

"nothing dirty, you freak. even though i wouldnt be totally against it" he smirks, and blush rises to my cheeks.

"well im totally against it, so lets go get food" i shrug, starting to walk towards the doors, leaving him stumbling behind me.

"what are we going to eat?" he asks once hes caught up to me.

"well i really want ice cream" i reply

"well i really want burger king" he says, mocking my tone.

i glare at him, and he smirks down at me once again.

"wipe that damn smirk off your face, patrick. god im going to be so happy once this is over" i sigh, wanting it to end already.

"what if there is no end? what if your eternally strung to me forever?" he says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"we would have to have a little fun then wouldnt we" he winks at me.

"your disgusting, we are definitely getting ice cream now" i say, smiling to myself as i hear him huff next to me.


"two mint chocolate chip ice creams please" i say to the woman behind the counter. patrick hands her money and she nods, starting to scoop up the ice cream.

"thank you for paying" i say, not even thinking about it.

"whatever" he shrugs, god this boy has no manners.

i roll my eyes at him, and the lady comes back over to hand us the ice creams.

we look like 2 idiots, trying to reach for it as our hands are tied together, and instead of looking at us like were crazy, the lady looks at us with realization in her eyes.

"ohhh, i see. your red stringed" she laughs, handing the cone to my free hand and the other cone to patrick.

"can you help us get out of it?" i ask, my voice showing signs of hope.

"ill tell you this, i got red stringed to my husband when i was 13 years old. you get red stringed to your soulmate when they feel its time for you to meet each other" she says, smiling at us.

"we've met each other already, how do we get out of this?" patrick asks, stopping in between his sentences to lick his ice cream.

"ill let you discover that yourselves, now go on, have fun" she waves, and goes back to her next customer.

me and patrick walk silently over to a bench across from the store, we sit ourselves down and eat until he breaks the silence.

"soulmates?" he asks.

"it doesnt mean we have to be, i guess it just means we could be" i shrug, even though i know i was feeling the same confusion he was.

"y/n shouldn't you be getting home? won't your mom be worried that your missing class?" he questions.

"how am i going home with you on my arm? plus my mom won't care, she doesn't care about anybody other then my stuck up sister" i reply, tears brimming my eyes.

he looks at me with hurt in his eyes, and i look away, not wanting to meet his glance.

but then, he attaches his lips onto mine, moving slowly, its so unlike patrick hockstetter to kiss that slow, and im taken aback, but nonetheless, i kiss back.

when we pull away, i see the red string is gone, and a relief washes itself over my body, mixed with a sort of sadness that he will probably leave now.

"i guess you can go now" i shrug.

he laces his fingers with mine and my heart flutters.

"i'm not going anywhere, baby" he says, and for that i am eternally thankful.


yay this prompt was so cute, i woke up late today and i have to get ready, but im going to see how much time i have to write today, so hopefully ill get some stuff out.


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