more about me (tag)

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I was tagged to do this by RebelToTheSystem

Sooo here goes

Sooo here goes

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1. Where i was 3 hours ago
Outside painting my nans patio lmao

2. Confession
Umm my favourite bowers gang boy is Patrick??

3. Bad habit
I bite my nails

4. Favourite colour(s)
Ocean blue, coral pink, lime green

5. Most embarrassing moment
In 4th grade I hiccuped really loud and yawned at the same time and it made this rlly weird sound and my class was like wtf

6. Can you drive
No I cannot

7. Birthday
August 8

8. Something you miss
My nan who died, Florida, and Montreal

9. What song is stuck in your head
Wednesday girl- Elijah who

10. Favourite quote
'Id rather have nothing then be nothing'

11. Do you like your name
Not at all

12. Where do you want to go the most
I'd love to go through Europe and Colorado and New York.

13. How long does it take you to get ready
An hour

14. Favorite band
One direction

15. Favourite animal
Orca whales or Cheetahs

16. Favourite movie
IT, duh. Or the hunger games.

17. Relationship status

18. Biggest fear
The ocean and loosing my family/friends, dying alone.

19. Things you cannot leave the house without
My phone, a hair elastic and my debit card

20. Favourite flowers
Tulips and roses

21. Do you want to get married
Yes I do

22. Do you want kids
Yes one girl one boy

23. Do you get mad easily
Yes I get frustrated and mad really easily lmao

24. Do you like anyone
No I do not

25. Last song you listened too
SAD! By xxxtentacion

26. Lock screen

 Lock screen

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27. Why you made your account
To read imagines lmao

28. First kiss
Oh god it was really awkward lmfao

29. Celeb crushe(s)
I have about 793, but all of the Toronto maple leafs players, bazzi, nic Hamilton, Jonathan brandis, Billie eilish, that's it as of right now

30. Tag 10 people
(Sorry if you don't have a book, I just tagged the people that came to my head)

ILOVERammstein666 marvelbiitchh abbybanabi toogoodjonah Sammymag2004 smosher16 ElizabethEscamilla86 thebowersbitch -omgoleff -wonderfvl

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