p.h; protecter

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*Your pov*

"Patrick, do we have to do this?" You whine, looking up at your boyfriend.

"Y/n, everything will be fine, I'd never put you in a situation I thought was dangerous" he replies, kissing your knuckles and lacing his fingers with yours.

You roll your eyes at him. "Oh yeah, the time we snuck into the school while the police were investigating Betty Ripsoms death, not dangerous at all"

"We made it out fine, did we not?" He snickers at you, his eyes looking into your e/c ones lovingly.

You shake your head at him, staring at the sewer in front of you, feeling uneasy of what could be lurking inside, but he was right. You'd always be protected around him, that you could guarantee.

The raindrops were pouring from the sky, landing on your hair and making you guys soaked.

"Are we going to go in before we drown out here?" He smiles, looking down at you.

"Fine, but if anything happens to me, I'm blaming you" you laugh, stepping into the sewer water with his hand clasped around yours.

You guys walked through the tunnel for some time until you started hearing noises, and you being the nervous person you were, automatically wanted to get out.

"Pat, I'm hearing noises" you tell him, worry lacing your words.

"It's probably just the losers, they come down here often to look for the little boy" he shakes his head at you, continuing to move forward.

You suddenly stop dead in your tracks as you hear people whispering your name, and occasionally Patrick's too.

He gives you an odd glare. "Stop whispering my name, y/n"

You throw your hands in the air, defending yourself. "It's not me, whatever it is is whispering my name too."

Patrick stopped walking too, facing you and putting a finger to his lips to tell you to be silent, and the voices got louder, nearer even.

"Let's get out of here, please. I'm scared" you plead with him.

He moves closer to you and kisses you passionately, pulling away and whispering in your ear "I will always protect you, y/n. Nothing will happen to you as long as I'm here. Let's get out and go get some hot chocolate, ok?"

Smiling at his offer, you throw your arms around his neck and peck his lips, nodding at him. He smiles warmly at you, being sweeter then usual. He takes your small hand in his and starts leading you towards the exit.

You guys walk for a short while before coming to a dead end. Your heart pounds in your chest as you see something, a figure, standing behind Patrick.

"Baby, look behind you" you whisper to him, he turns around and looks at the thing, before whipping his head back around with a look of pure horror on his face.

"Come on y/n, we have to get out of here"he cries, and you start rushing only to be met with another dead end.

"Y/n..." you hear the thing whisper, you start crying and turn around to face it.

Screaming at the sight of the clown in front of you, you grip on to Patricks hand.

"Please, don't hurt us" you try to plead with it, you can see Patrick looking for a way to get around the clown, but he has you both completely blocked off.

"I don't want to hurt him, just you, y/n" the clown says, his eyes veering off and a smile replaces the frown on his face.

Chills and horror course throughout your body. You stare the entity in its eyes, and Patrick steps in front of you.

"Baby, what are you doing?" You say, tugging on his sleeve and trying to get him to move back.

"I promised I would always protect you, I love you y/n" he says, and you can see the fear in his eyes.

You'd never seen your boyfriend afraid, and never heard him have so much love for you. You knew he thought he would never see you again, and the thought of loosing him terrified you.

"Patrick, I love you so much but p-" you were halfway through your sentence when the clown growled angrily and lunged at Patrick, you screamed, reaching forward and grasped your boyfriends arm, he was being dragged away from you.

"Y/N, BABY, I LOVE YOU. GO PROTECT YOURSELF, IM SORRY I COULDNT PROTECT YOU!" He screams, tears pouring down his face and plinking into the sewer water below.

"PATRICK, PLEASE STAY STRONG, ILL GET HELP!" You cry back, and the clown rips some part of Patrick's body off, you cringe and cry for your boyfriend, knowing it was too late now, but you run out of the sewers into the pouring rain.

Patricks breathing was ceased, as you heard one more crunch before stepping out into the river below the sewer,  your boots sloshing through it.

You wish you could have persuaded Patrick to just stay out here, only 20 minutes earlier. You wish with your whole heart the clown had taken you instead.

Your feet take you to the nearest pay phone, you put a quarter into it with cold, shaking hands and dial Henry's number.

"please, please answer..." you whisper to yourself.

"Hello?" You hear him say from the other side.

"Henry, it's y/n. I need you to pick me up by the kissing bridge. Like right now" you cry into the phone.

"Y/n, is everything all right? Is Patrick with you?" He asks. The mention of your boyfriends name makes your heart ache.

"Ill explain once your here, just please get here"

You hang up the phone and slide yourself onto the road, sitting on the concrete.

He shows up about 5 minutes later in belchs car, only him in the car.

He shoves open the passenger door as you slide in, your mascara running from the rain and crying.

"Where's Patrick?" He asks, you can tell he assumes you got into a fight and are asking for a ride home, but it's much worse then that.

You wish you had gotten into a fight only, you wish he would drive you home, and you could call Patrick and tell him to come over, and you guys would cuddle and make up and he would tease you for being so forgiveful, but that wasn't the case.

"T-the clown got him, we were I-in the t-t-tunnels and it a-ate him and h-he's gone."

Henry's eyes widened at you.

"Fucking drive, Henry! Drive to my house, you can stay over and we can call the police" you scream at him.

"You want to stop for hot chocolate?" He asks, gazing at you.

Patrick's words echo around your head.

'Let's get out and go get some hot chocolate, okay?'

You shake your head at henry, just wanting to get home.

"It'll be okay, y/n. We will find him and they'll take him to the hospital and fix him up" his smiles at you, weakly, you can tell he knows it's not true, but you just shake your head at him.

No matter what, Patrick protected you. He got himself killed for you. You remember all the moments you thought Patrick didn't love you, the times you thought he was just using you, but in the he end, he sacrificed himself so you could live.

Staring out into the rain, you swore you could see Patrick standing on the side of the road smiling at you, he looked just as he did they say you guys met, you turned your head to look at Henry as he was looking out at the road too but he seemed unfazed.

you then realized Patrick was still looking out for you, protecting you when he was no longer here. the tears fell once again, and you very much missed your protecter.

word count:1.3k
the ending was so bad on this one, but im super happy with how it turned out. please please let me know what you guys thought down in the comments, i need as much feedback as i can get.


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