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"You are so stupid!"
I've always been alone...
"Look at your hair!"
I never had no one to talk to...
"She looks ugly!"
No one to ask if I'm beautiful...
"Who would want to be her friend?"
All I wanted was some friends...
I never understood why I was the loser...

I watched as the kids left me, to cry and to bleed.

I had to walk home alone in the rain. I knew I would get sick tomorrow but... At least I don't have to go to school...

As I opened the door to my home, papa was asleep. Drunk, bottles of beer all over the floor... I was only five when all of this happened...

I grabbed papa's bottle beers, and threw them in the trash can.

Papa groaned as O accidentally dropped his wallet.

"Gweneth. Where were you?" Papa asked, I swallowed. I was scared, Papa looked mad.

"I-I was at.. Taking a walk." I said, Papa stared at me.

"Make sure you take a shower." Papa said, I nodded. He kissed my forehead and walked... Or wobbled to his room.

I went to my room, showered, and went to the kitchen.

I grabbed some bread, chips, and water. Papa made a mess in the kitchen.

As I was eating I sat outside, in the rain. A heard a meow, I jumped as it meowed again.

It was a Kitty. Black, with brown eyes. It was a baby, he was crying. Next to the Kitty, was his mother... Dead.

I slowly walked up to the cat, I picked him up gently.

"It's ok. I'm here." I whispered, the Kitty finally calmed down. I smiled at the Kitty, the Kitty licked my nose.

"I'll call you.." I had to stop and think... What was I gonna name the Kitty?...

"I'll call you... Buddy." I smiled, the Kitty stared at me.

"You must be tired." I said, I took the kitty inside.

I put the Kitty on my bed, he already fell asleep as soon as I sat on my chair.

"Goodnight, buddy." I whispered, I grabbed my homework and started to do it.

It was quiet, I turned around... The Kitty was gone. I gasped, and looked around.

The Kitty meowed again, I turned and he was in front of me. Sitting on my homework.

"Guess you'll be my homework partner too, huh?" The Kitty meowed happily, I laughed.

Ever since then...

I've been alone, with my best friend...
Well.. Guess that's the first chapter! More will be published soon!

Please tell me what you guys think...









~Nae Nae

P.S. idk if I spelled Prouge right... If I didn't then let me please...

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