Chapter Nine

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"How? Why?" Gwen asked, she was so confused. Keith, playing with his fingers, he swallowed.

"Uh... Well... It'll all make since if I tell you from the beginning." Keith said, Gwen nodded.

"Go ahead." Gwen said, Keith stared at his necklace...

Noah and I aren't just the best of friends... We are brothers... When I was born, Noah was already a troublemaker...

  Noah and I would do everything together... We were never separated from each other... We were like twins...

We were a happy family... Until...

My mother, she divorced my dad... Noah wanted to stay with me. I wanted to stay with him...

But, mom wanted Noah. Dad wanted me, Noah and I didn't want to go. We wanted to be together...

Mom wouldn't allow it... She wanted nothing but to destroy our friendship...

And, she did...

I didn't get to see Noah, dad wouldn't let me visit him. Mom wouldn't let Noah visit me. 

Years later, it was my twelve birthday... Noah came to see me. He snuck out from our mom's big fancy party.

For my twelve birthday, Noah got me my first gun. He said mom's new boyfriend is a hunter.

Noah and I would stay up late at night. Until it was time for Noah to go.

Each night, at midnight I would wait for Noah. Every night, at midnight... He came.

Until... One night... We weren't alone...

Dad was already gone, Noah and I were in my room... Someone broke into our house....

Noah told me to stay in my room. Noah went to go see what was going on.

I heard him scream, I ran downstairs. Noah was on the floor, bleeding... I didn't know what to do...

The robber was bleeding too, more bloodier than Noah. I tried to run upstairs to grabbed my phone, but I tripped and fell.

The robber heard me, I hesitantly grabbed my gun. I shot at the robber, I only hit his arm.

Noah woke up just in time, the robber had me by the neck.

Noah grabbed my gun, he tried to shoot the robber. But what we didn't know....

There was another robber, and he was behind Noah. The robber had a gun, he was going to shoot Noah. I had to do something, I couldn't breath.

So I kicked the robber's stomach. I ran towards Noah as fast as I could. Noah didn't see me coming, I pushed him out of the way.

The second robber shot my arm, instead. Noah got up, he ran to me. The police came just in time.

As they were cleaning me up, dad and mom came home, mad.

Dad ran up to me, mom ran up to Noah. Dad saw  my shot arm, he got mad.

He walked to Noah, he punched Noah. He wouldn't s-stop hurting Noah. Mom tried to stop him, but even she couldn't.

I-I ran towards Noah, I kicked dad's leg, I tackled dad to the ground with only one arm.

I wouldn't stop cussing at him, I wouldn't stop hitting him. Mom got the police, I knew what I had to do...

I grabbed Noah's hand. We both ran into the woods.

We ran and ran and ran, until we couldn't run anymore...

Noah stared at me, he immediately wrapped his arms around my neck. He wouldn't stop crying...

I told him don't cry, I told him I'll fix him. Noah shook his head, he wasn't crying cause dad hurt him...

He was crying cause... I got hurt. Noah said when I was born, he said he would do anything to protect me. He would never let me get hurt, but... I got hurt...

  The police were  on there way, we had no where to go.

Noah told me he had an idea, he wanted to fake his death...

I agreed, I would do anything to keep him safe.

What mom and dad didn't know was that we made a treehouse together, in the woods.

  Noah would have to lay low, so he would live there.

There was a cliff we were going to  pretended that Noah fell, my arm was bleeding again...

So we threw a little detail to the cliff. We pretended that Noah slipped, I tried to save him but he ended up falling.

Noah and I gave our goodbyes, Noah ran to our treehouse, which was far.

Noah screamed, I started to cry, We heard the polices coming.

I watched as Noah ran. I was going to miss him, but I knew I would see him... Soon...

The police and our parents came, "too late."

  I explained everything to them, dad took me home. Mom and her boyfriend left town.

And so...

Noah Lockwood...

Was dead...
So... THE CASE IS CLOSE!! 😂😂😂😂


Hope you guys enjoyed it! Please vote and comment. Thanks! Bye!
~Nae Nae

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