Chapter Twenty-Six

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I was standing in front of the window, watching as Shrimp was thinking. I walked away from the window, I punched the door, my knuckles were bleeding. My heart was pounding, my eyes watered.

Damnit... Why did I mention the dare?....


The noise came from Shrimp's dad's room. I slowly walked in front of door. Hesitating on knocking on the door, I took a breath.


I kicked the door open, the door fell to the ground with a loud bang. Dust gathered around me, I coughed.

Trying to see, I heard angry grunts. As soon as the dust gathered away, Shrimp's dad was standing in front of me...

He punched me in the face, I stumbled backwards, trying to gain back my balance. My ear was ringing, head was spinning.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Mr. Corona yelled, I shook my head. I punched his jaw, he screamed and fell.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" I yelled, he stood up. He lifted something up, it was a file...

Oh no...

"You have the paper..." I whispered, Mr. Corona nodded.

"Proof, that you put my daughter in the hospital. I'll show her, she'll hate you... Then, she'll forever be mine..." He snarled at me, my eyes widened.

No... Shrimp....

"That was a long time ago, I know it's my fault. I'm sorry, but she's not yours. Stay. Away. From. Her." I barked, he smirked.

"Or what?" He asked, I grinned.

"I'll kill you." I said, Mr. Corona blinked.

"You won't kill me, Gwen will hate you." He said, I laughed.

"She wants you dead as much as I want you dead." I said, Mr. Corona frowned.

"Why bully her in the first place? Why hurt her? You could've made it up to her!" Mr. Corona was now yelled, I kicked the wall.

"I WAS PROTECTING HER!" I yelled, I could feel my throat burn...

"After she ended up in the hospital, I made an promise to myself that I'll never speak to her again... Ever since I left her life, she's been having accomplishments. So I continued bullying her, this is better than seeing her in the hospital..." I explained, Mr. Corona stood there, not knowing what to say...

"You care for her don't you?" Mr. Corona asked, I turned away from him.

Leaving the room, I turned back...

"Yes. Yes I do." I whispered, I then ran downstairs. Shrimp was waiting for me outside, she smiled as soon as she saw me.

"Ready to go?" Shrimp asked, I nodded.

"Let's get the hell out if here." I suggested, Shrimp giggled and got in the cab.

"Where to?" The driver asked, I wrapped my arm around shrimp.

"My house." I said, Gwen looked at me in confused.

"You need to tell him where your house is at. He doesn't know." Shrimp said, the driver and I chuckled.

"He knows where I live. He usually takes me home after school when Noah can't pick me up." I explained, shrimp nodded.

As we left the driveway, I looked back.

Mr. Corona was standing outside, waving...

With Shrimp's Old Teddy Bear In His Hand...

That I Gave Her When We Were Kids...

The Problem Is...

The Bear Is Headless...
..... Idk what that was about... Even though I'm the writer. 😂

More will be published later on today or tomorrow or whenever I can!

Please vote and comment! Thanks! Bye!
~Nae Nae

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