Chapter Fourteen

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  Mrs. Lopez stared at me, I wiped my mouth. Sergio stared at his shirt in disgust. I smiled, he frowned.

"That's what you g-get!" I yelled, Sergio pushed me.

"You threw up on my shirt!" Sergio yelled, I shrugged.

"You said spit it out." I said, Sergio growled.

"Smart ass." Sergio snarled, I smirked.

  "I want both of you in the principal's office. Now." Mrs. Lopez ordered. I ran to Shrimp.

"I can't leave shrimp." I said, I checked for a pulse.

No pulse...

My heart was beating, my eyes watered, my hands started to shake... No, no, not Gwen...

"She's not breathing." I said, Mrs. Lopez and Sergio stared at me.

  "What are you talking about?" Mrs. Lopez asked, I could feel tears roll down my cheeks.

  Am I crying?... I haven't cried since I was twelve...

"She's not breathing. Not breathing. Not breathing. Not breathing. Not breathing!" I repeatedly said, Mrs. Lopez's eyes widened.

"She needs mouth to mouth." Mrs. Lopez said, Serigo smirked.

"Leave it to me." Sergio fixed his hair, I pushed Sergio real hard. Sergio was tripping backwards. His head hit against the wall. 

  Mrs. Lopez and Sergio stared at me as of I was crazy.

  "Stay the f---- away from Gwen." I snarled, Sergio's eyes widened. I continued my view on Gwen.

  I stared at her lips, I had no choice. I lifted her tiny body up. I then gave her mouth to mouth.

  I continued, I couldn't just give up.

I would do anything to see those Electric Green Eyes Again...

Few seconds later, Gwen started to gasp for air. My heart calmed. She's ok...

Gwen slowly opened her eyes, she stared at me.

"K-Keith?... You came..." Gwen whispered, I chuckled.

"Of course I did." I replied, she shut her eyes.

Mrs. Lopez sighed, I looked up.

"You saved Gwen's life." Mrs. Lopez said, I nodded.

  "Of course. I would do it again if I had to." I said, Mrs. Lopez smiled.

"But you both still have to come with me. Someone carry Gwen." Mrs. Lopez said, Sergio grinned.

I glared at Sergio, Sergio backed away. He speed walked to Mrs. Lopez.

I stared at shrimp, I carried her bridal style. Her chocolate brown hair tickled my arms, her light skin shined against the sunlight.

As we walked down the halls, with shrimp in my arms... I could hear shrimp mumbling in her sleep.

"McDonald's chicken nuggets and fries..." Shrimp smiled I'm her sleep, I chuckled.

  "I'll get you McDonald's later." I whispered, she smiled and nodded.

"Promise?" She asked, I smiled...

More will be published later on today or tomorrow! Please vote and comment! Thanks! Bye!

I'm going to go to bed now....  

Haven't slept in 24 hours, it's 8:00am...


~Nae Nae

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