Chapter Fifteen

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I could hear boys yelling at each other... I heard one of them snicker. While the other one growled.
"She isn't yours!"

  "Sure she is."

  "I'll kick your ass again, right here. Right now."

"Do it, you won't."

"Sergio and Keith. Please, I want Gwen to be resting without any interruptions."

  "Looks like she's waking up."

I slowly opened my eyes, I heard running... As if the running was towards me.

  As my eyes were fully open, I was only able to see... These beautiful...

Ocean Eyes...

Tears were slightly at the corner of the ocean eyes...

As the eyes blinked, the tears rolled down their cheeks.

They shut their eyes, they gasped and immediately wrapped there arms around my neck.

  They buried their face on my neck, I could feel tears on my neck.

As they pulled away, they stared at me. I smiled as I already knew who it was...

Keith Lockwood...
Sorry about the short update... My wrists have been bothering me... :-[

I might lack a little on this book because...

I'm not really feeling well... But I'll do what I can... :'(

More will be published later on today or tomorrow! Please vote and comment... Thanks! Bye!
~Nae Nae

P.s. Please understand and don't hate me...


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