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Sorry for grammar faults or misspellings!

Chapter 21


I opened the black, clean front door and walked in the house, silently hoping that Jack didn't forgot my birthday. I was actually planning on singing my song to him, today. But walking in i saw nobody, it was like nobody was even living there. It was quiet.. Too quiet. Something was telling me that there were people hiding. And my gut-feeling was right.

A chair scraped on the ground before people stood up and yelled.. You name it. ;)


I just stood there, asking myself what the hell was happening. I didn't saw any familiar faces. They were most definitely from the pack, well i never ever saw them. I raised an eyebrow in annoyance. Trying to keep myself from snapping i smiled. Fakely. They looked expectant at me, like they were expecting something from me. Biting my cheeck from saying something inappropriate, i sighed, mentally rolling my eyes before speaking.

'Thank.. You..' I said, faking a smile, that normally everybody could see through. I guess that was enough because everybody began moving and dancing. This was so strange.. Where the hell is Jack? Or the rest? And who the hell are these people? I suddenly remembered something, i forgot my guitar by the scenery. Oh wow, look at that! I have a reason to leave.

'Umm... I gotta.. Go..' I shouted over the music that was harassing my fragile, innocent ears. Nobody even looked over at me. I just stick to "they didn't hear me because of the loud music". Do you know that feeling that you suddenly realize you don't have any friends. Hard right? Not that i'mm talking about myself.. Pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooo..

Just saying.


I finally arrived at my destination. Looking for my guitar i scurried to the place where i sat before. Well.. There wasn't really any sign of my guitar. My eyes widened. I wasn't far from breaking someone's neck.

Okay wait.. First : Everybody forgot my birthday, second : I came home and there was a surpriseparty where i didn't even know anybody? Third : I then realized that i forgot my guitar and ohh let's place a fourth! : I CAN'T FIND IT!

Great. Really great.


I puffed before settling down on the grass. That helped.

'Jaedlynn.' A very familiar voice said.

Turning around i saw none other then my dear "friends". And mate..

I faked a smile. 'Hi..'

Hora and Jill had a big grin plastered on their faces while Loyd and Kiko were more in the background, Cole and Stefan were beside Jack who was standing in front of everyone. Searching for Jimmy and Nathan, i saw them standing beside Loyd and Kiko. But where were Sarah and her mate?

Suddenly i felt two hands touching my shoulders. I turned around in surprise only to see Ricky and Sarah looking at me with a big grin. I raised an eyebrow.

Then they yelled. You name it. ;)


This time i could actually smile, sincerely.

'Y'all hadn't forgot?' I asked, feeling relieved.

They all nodded before Jack spoke. 'How could we forgot, flower?'

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