Locked In

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"Your cute when you do that, I mean your cute always" I shut myself up before I ramble on anymore because at this point it's getting embarrassing. She blushes all the same tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
"Thank you" she replies looking up at me with her ocean blue eyes.
"Thank you for breakfast"'I reply taking her plate and mine.
"I can wash up if you want" she offers standing up and holding her head wincing in her handover headache.
I put the dishes in the sinks and pour her some water before handing it to her and wrapping my arms around her.
"No I will so them later, you need to take it easy" I reply and she melts into my arms perfectly after tensing up the first few seconds.
"Sit down with me?" She asks and I nod walking over to the sofa with her.
"I do you know" she says.
"You've lost me" I state and I can tell she's deciding what to say in her head.
"What you said yesterday" she reminds me and I can sense she feels uncomfortable talking about it and I don't exactly want to be reminded.
"I know you do" I reply not sure if I do but I just want this topic to end.
"I want to make this work but I don't know how" she admits handing her head.
"We will" I assure her taking her hand in mine and squeezing lightly.
"Let's not put a label on it. Or even discuss what this is. Maybe we should take it as it comes, day by day, slow and see what happens" she suggests. She's finds it harder to commit than me but can you blame her? All men have ever done it hurt her, first Hal and even me. Obviously I never hurt her physically, I wouldn't dream of it.
"If that's what you want, you got it" I reply and she smiles back at me.
She surprises me by leaning up and pulling my face down so our lips meet.
It's a soft, slow kiss with not alterer motive.
Just something we both needed. I find it hard to not let the dreaded three words slip out my mouth when we pull away but I manage it.
"So that's taking things slow" I chuckle and she rolls her eyes.
"Hey I also said take it as it comes" she replies.
We sit around for a bit watching some friends. She sings along playfully to the theme tune getting way to into it and I laugh at her every time. Falling more and more in love with her every goofy thing she does.
"Hate to spoil the party but I better get you to Betty before late" I remind her and she crosses her arms pouting like a child.
"I'm not a teenager, I don't have a curfew" she huffs but she knows I'm right.
"What if I promise to see you tomorrow? They will you let me take you home?" I bribe and her pout fades into a smile.
"Okay but you have to pinky promise" she gives me a condition.
"What are we five?" I ask but she's being serious so I sigh and link our hands shaking my head.
I take her home reminding her in the way she's supposed to hate me.
"Get ready for this A star acting" she says getting out of the truck and slamming the door with a facial expression that looked so genuinely angry it scared me a little.
"Mom. I thought I heard slamming" Betty says exiting the house alongside Jug.
"Hey dad, Miss Smith" Jug says.
"Hi Jug" I reply.
"Thanks for taking care of her Mr Jones" Betty says politely nudging Alice to say thank you.
"I can't believe you let him walk off with me" Alice huffs.
"He wanted to help" Betty says giving Alice a death glare to say something nice.
"Well I don't want his help" Alice replies. I must admit she is good at this.
"Gosh mom can you not say one nice thing to Mr Jones, he was only trying to help us" Betty reprehends.
"It's okay Betty it's never been her strong suit" I comment earning a glare from Jug.
"You two dad, lay off her" he orders and I smirk a little catching a look off Alice who was also holding back a laugh. In all fairness I haven't laid on her in a while so I'm abiding by his rules.
Betty goes over to Jug whispering something in his ear.
"That will never work" he replies in a failed whisper. He's never been good at that.
"Trust me" she replies in a just about audible whisper.
They split apart and Betty gives me a smile.
"Mr Jones, come in and have some coffee" she offers but it's more of an instruction.
"Uhh, yeah sure" I reply hopping out the truck. What have these kids got planned?
We sit down at the table and the kids awkwardly stare us down.
"So...mom. Do you have anything you would like to do to Mr Jones?" Betty says slowly. I choke on my coffee.
"Oh I can think of a few" Alice replies keeps her calm.
"And what might they be?" Betty asks. Shit the kids are on to us.
"Lets just say, there would be a lot of shouting and throwing things" Alice replies.
"No mom, I mean like thanking him maybe. For taking care of you" Betty edges her on.
"Okay if it will make you happy. Thank you I guess" she says like a moody teenager.
"I never thought I'd live to see the day Alice-" I begin.
"That's it, I'm not going to sit here and listen to him" Alice bickers. We are both having way to much fun doing this.
"Dad, enough" jug orders.
"Jug come with me to get a refill" Betty says and nods.
We wait till the kids are out of our view before acknowledging one and other.
"I'm not the only one enjoying this right?" I ask and she grins back at me about to reply but we are distracted by the front door slamming shut.
"Hold on a second" Alice says walking through the hall way.
"Betty, Jug" she calls but no answer. She walk to the front door trying to open it.
"The doors locked, they have locked us in" she continues tugging at the door handle starting to panic.
"Hey it's okay" I say rushing up and wrapping my arms around her.
"No, I hate being locked in places" she explains still trying with the handle violently.
"You've got me to look after you" I promise her and she relaxes a little. I rub her shoulders until she's fully untensed.
"I can't believe they did this, if I only they knew what's really going on here" she says more lightheartedly.
"How long do you think we have?" I ask.
"At least a couple of hours" she says stepping towards me.
She grabs my face down to hers and places a kiss on my lips waiting for me to give her a proper one so I do.

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