She can't know

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Alice POV:
We are strategic about how we do things making it the least suspicious as possible. We drop my car to the register and decide if I let Jug stay the night with Betty then I can stay with him. So i did just that calling Betty and saying I had business to attend to and would be spending a night at a hotel. It's reckless I know but if the kids are going to do what I hope they won't, they will find time even if they don't spend the night together. At least this way I get a night with Fp.
It would be a lie to say I've not completely fallen for him, but with this comes a whole new load of fears. I shove them to the back of my brain for the time being as we both undress ourselves. Not to do anything in particular but just because we are so comfortable with each other clothes aren't needed.
He retrieves his duet and lays it on the sofa pulling it over us as we cuddle up, his arm around me the other rested on my waist and my legs intertwined with his.
"We're sleeping here tonight" I tell him way to comfortable to think about moving.
"If that's what you want" he replies deep in thought. He looks troubled and my newly found insecurities kick in.
"What's wrong? It's me isn't it? I'm too much?" I blurt unable to control my mouth.
He lets out a breathy laugh,
"No it's not you and your not too much at all. It's just I've been thinking a lot recently" he begins. Oh god he's definitely going to end this.
"About what you said the other day in Pops" he elaborates but not enough.
"Uh I said a lot in Pops recently" I reply hoping he's not on about one of our steamy arguments in there.
"About how work in the register is a bore for you now and it got me thinking, I never really wanted to work at pops. It was a way of getting my life together a little and it did but now I think I gotta do what I want to do. You should too" he explains almost nervously and I let out an audible sigh of relief.
"I think that's a great idea" I gush exited for him because he sound genuinely interested in doing this.
"Really? It's not too uncertain for you, I know you like to know what's going on" he says and I shake my head.
"At this point I my life I don't know what the hell is going on but I sure am enjoying it. Anyway if you ever need support, I got loads of Hal's money to share" I joke but I would give him some if he needed it, I am in no need of money at this point, I have clothes, food and a house. What else does a woman need? Jewellery's nice and all until you find out your ex husband probably gave it to you so you would forget he's been out all night probably killing people.
"And what about you and the register?" He asks.
"I'm not quite sure on that one, I'll have to see where it goes" I reply thinking about it.
"And Your sure you okay with this because if your not I won't do it" he checks as if we are a family and this choice will effect me.
"Fp you don't supports me financially you can do whatever you want, even if you did you should do what you want" I reply and he squeezes me.
"So what do you want to do?" I ask and he hesitates.
"I was thinking of going back to construction with Fred again" he replies.
"That's great, have you talked to him?" I ask knowing him he hasn't.
"I actually have and he said it's fine, he's full of chances that man" he replies and I find myself so exited for him because he seems exited about this.
It makes me so happy he cares to ask me about stuff like this, he doesn't need to but it just makes me feel like such a bigger part of his life than before.
We sit and watch Tv till I feel myself falling asleep.
"Goodnight Blondie" he says knowing me all too well.
"Night baby" I reply and I can just about see his goofy smile at the new name I had given him before I doze off.

She falls asleep and I'm just about to do the same but my phone start to buzz in my pocket.
I answer it quickly whispering an answer down it so I wouldn't wake her up.
"Hello?" I say checking the Id. It's hogeye which means one thing. Serpent business.
"Fp we need you down here" he says and I can hear lot of background noise. Truth be told the serpents are in trouble at the moment, many of them are still living in the Wrym after the ghoulie war. The worst part is the ghoulies are still around, smuggling drugs through every corner of riverdale. Including serpents in their deliveries.
"Okay I'll be right over" I whisper before hanging up.
I don't want to leave her, I hate the idea. In fact the thought of leaving her in the trailer, alone on the southside makes me physically feel sick. It's not exactly safe, but then again she can't know about this serpent stuff. It only adds to
danger. For her and me. But it's my duty to be there for the serpents so I have to go and leave her here, which is safer than bringing her along.
I slide my arms out from underneath her being careful not to wake her before heading off locking the trailer door behind me.
I take my motorcycle to the Wyrm hoping to get back before she wakes up. When I walk in they are all gathered around and the murmuring stops as soon as they spot me.
I can tell by the looks on their faces it's bad.
"Anyone want to tell me what's going on?" I say and they all look over to hogeye.
"One of the new young serpents, found dead in here. Refused to do a delivery and I guess Penny set the ghoulies on him, it's a warning Fp. She's saying she owns us now" hogeye explains whilst polishing a glass. I shake my head devastated by the news. It could have been anyone, even Jug, Sweetpea, Toni, all the kids I've known since they were just toddlers.
"Well she doesn't, look we need to lay low for a while. Stay in your houses for the most part, or in here but don't wonder into their territory. If she comes to you with a job, tell her to come to me and I'll sort it out" i say. If worst comes to worst I'll have to do the delivery's or one of the older serpents experienced with stuff like this. We know how to handle penny and the ghoulies, when to bite our tongues but these youngers, they are begging for trouble.
We have a group meeting taking about precautions we should take. There's more to the serpents than people think. We are a family, protecting each other at all costs so if that means we have hours of meetings we will do it.
By the time we have finished taking its 9 o'clock and I pray Alice is still asleep. I drive back to the trailer slipping in quietly but she's waiting for me in the sofa where I left her.
"You left me" she says pouting a little.
"Sorry I uhh..had to run some errands" I reply not wanting to tell her where I really want because then she would ask questions and I'd like to lie to her as little as possible.
"Why did you tell me?" She says still a bit off with me.
"Because you looked so peacefully sleeping" I come up with and she seems to buy it or choses not to question it.
She stands up and places her arms around me breathing in my scent.
"You've been into the Wyrm" she states. Damn that woman has a good sense of smell. How can she even remember the wyrms scent? She's been in it once in the past 22 years.
"Uh yeah I had to talk to hogeye" I admit that much hoping she would drop it.
"Everything okay?" She asks genuinely concerned.
"Just fine baby" I lie kissing her forehead.
Usually she can tell when I'm lying but she's choosing to believe me so I'm out of the woods for now.
"I should probably actually get to the register before Betty starts suspecting things and Jug comes home" she says reluctantly into our embrace.
"I'll drive you there and then go quit my job" I reply and she chuckles.
"Sounds like a plan" she says shaking her head at me.

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