Sounds Great

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Alice POV:
"Mom, wha-" Betty begins as she opens the door for me to come inside. She gives hog eye a weird look as he makes sure I get in safely and rides off. It's dark which is good for me because she can't see my eyes which I assume are bloodshot form crying.
"Hey honey, I can explain" I assure her. I really can't but I hope I'm buying enough time to come up win something.
"I know what's going on mom" she says knowingly.
"You do?" I asks nervously letting her lead me to the sofa and sit me down with her. I wait for her to say she knows about me and Fp.
"Come on mom, sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night, coming home on a motorcycle, awfully happy recently. It obvious" she lectures.
"Your seeing Hoy eye" she concluded and I nearly burst out laughing but I realise this is about the only excuse I can use so I roll with it.
"Uh yeah you caught me" I reply putting my hands up.
"Gosh mom, I knew it. Just old friends you said" she squeals smugly because she thinks she set us up.
"Uhh sure, there's just this connection" I continue throwing up in my mouth a little having to pretend I'm with hog eye because he's a good friend to me.
"Tell me more" she begs wanting all the gossip and details.
"You know what sweetie I'm kinda tired so I'm going to head up to bed" I excuse myself and I he's there comment as I walk away.
"Oh I'm sure you are" she says referring I slept with him which is unimaginable to me so I have to refrain myself from denying it.
I head up to my room and cry for a bit reliving the events that just unfolded until I fall asleep.

I finish the delivery knowing I've really fucked it up this time. I think about having some harsh words with hogeye for taking her, it's dangerous. Penny could have saw her and then it would put her in danger. If she knows she can use Alice to get to me, she won't hesitate in doing so.
I can't afford to do that again, if Alice gets caught up in this serpent business again and gets hurt like when we were teens I won't be able to forgive myself. Which is why I should probably stay away from her, but I know I can't. Still I should try.
I go home after and try and get some sleep but that's near impossible with all this on my mind.

Alice POV:
I wake up and get ready like usual adding an extra layer of my perfect pink lipstick for confidence. I've made a decision that from now on there is no Southside Alice anymore. I'm eliminating her fully. But I have to do something first, before I go full bitch I need to help those who were once family to me. So once Betty goes off to school I go to the bank a make a $20,000 withdrawal and head to the Wyrm.
"Alice you can't be here" hogeye rushes pulling me aside. Yes me being in the Wyrm is risky. Let's just say not everyone has forgiven me, or likes me for that matter.
"Yeah well I'm not staying long  I'm just here to give you this" I hand him the bag I had shoved all the stacks into.
He takes it cautiously.
"Didn't know you dealed Alice" he jokes until he opens it and his mouth falls open.
"What is this?" He asks obviously never having seen this much money before.
"Money hogeye, 20,000 to be exact" I reply sarcastically.
"Yes I see that but why do I have it?" He asks.
"I want you to have it, all of you. Find them all somewhere to stay" I reply.
"I can't take this-" he begins to give t back but I shove it back into his hands.
"Please, let me do this. I won't be back here okay? So us remake sure they are all okay, make sure Fp is okay and keeps out of too much trouble" I explain and he seems to understand I'm going back to my northside life because he pulls me into a hug.
"I'm going to miss you blondie" he says as we pull away.
"Thankyou for not hating me" I say sobbing a little now and he wipes a tear from my cheek.
"This is going to kill Fp, you know that?" He reminds me and I nod knowing the consequences. But Fp lied to me, that's what ended us before and it's what's ending is now. Even if it is to protect me, I can't deal with it.
"I will make sure the serpents are looked after with this money, Be safe blondie" he says seriously as he releases his grip on my arm.
"I know you i will. You be safe too hogeye, goodbye" I reply walking away looking back once to make eye contact with him and see him mouth goodbye back.
I walk home crying before pulling myself together and heading inside to get started on cleaning.
"Mom" my oldest daughter gushes standing in the middle of my living room in a loose flowy dress next to a push chair containing my two grandchildren.
"Polly" I reply walking up to her and giving a hug.
"I missed you mom" she says into the hug.
"I missed you too hunny" I reply turning my attention to the babies.
"And you two, look how much you have grown" i comments stroking their cheeks.
"Have you been crying?" Polly asks looks concerned as I pick up juniper.
"I really don't want to talk about it" I reply avoiding eye contact with her.
"I've been thinking, about what happened with dad. I'm worried about you mom, maybe it would be good to get you someone to talk to" she suggests.
"Like a therapist" I laugh sarcastically because I do not do therapist, they just weird me out.
"No but I know a guy who helped me out when I went through all that stuff with Jason and he will be able to help you with whatever's troubling you" she explains and I actually let myself agree. It's not this Hal stuff that's bothering so much but Fp and the fact I gave our son up, he's possibly dead and now I've lost Fp to, well pushed him away more like.
"You know what? That sounds great sweetie" I agree giving her a light smile.

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