[4] The Run And Go

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Song: The Run And Go by Twenty one pilots

I don't do shit in my life, I'm always in my room(that is not an exaggeration), and next week I have to be active and go to band camp...this should be interesting :/

Y/n's POV

After about an hour of walking, I made it to the surprisingly large house. It was nothing too big, but it definitely wasn't considered small. All the lights in the house were on, causing the sigh of relief that came from me.

Mark's neighbors were sitting on their front porch. Two older ladies, rocking back in forth in rocking chairs, and conversing quietly to each other. They made eye contact with me before the looked away, but not before they sent me a harsh glare. I decided to ignore it and continued my way towards the front door.

When I got there, it only took a few seconds before the door opened. A guy with brown, curly hair towering over me stood with a confused expression. This caused one to creep on my face as well. Had he given me a fake address? Did my phone mess up?

"Can I help you?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Uh, I think I may have the wrong address." I begin turning around before the tall guy spoke again.

"Who are you trying to find? I could probably help."

Not wanting to be rude, I turn back around to him. My mouth opens to decline his offer, to say it was fine, but his soft eyes and adorable smile made me want to stay a little longer, despite the awkwardness.

"Uh-" I begin, trying to think of words. "Is there any possibility you know a Mark? I don't know his last name but he gave me this address and phone number."

I passed my phone to him and show where I had put the address and number into my notes. He nodded, taking a step back into the house.

"Yeah, Mark's right here. Come in." The guy led me inside and closed the door behind me. "Mark!" He shouted. A faint reply was heard from upstairs. "A girl is here for you!"

The front door was in it's own place. On the other side of the door were stairs right next to each other, a wall between them. One side led upstairs and the other led downstairs. The upstairs was visible from where I was standing. The railing prevented anyone from suddenly finding themselves downstairs quicker than they thought but with a broken wrist. The couch sat to the side of the upstairs and a flatscreen TV was mounted on the wall opposite of the couch.

I could hear Mark's footsteps coming from the hallway next to the stairs going upstairs. The tall guy sent me another smile. "My name's Tyler, by the way. I live with him and the others."

I raise a brow. "Others?"

"Oh yeah. There's Seán, Ethan, Felix, Bob, and Wade, They're really nice."

I nod, trying to remember all the names. I remember Mark mentioning a Wade at Lucas' party. Mark eventually comes rushing down the stairs, a smirk on his face.

"For a minute I thought you weren't gonna come." Mark stated.

"Wasn't planning on it until my roommate wouldn't let me back into our dorm room." I rolled my eyes.

"That explains the book bag." Mark nodded, motioning to the bag on my back. I nodded with him.

"You should introduce her to the rest." Tyler suggested. "They're downstairs playing the PS4."

As if on cue, yells of frustration and celebration were heard from the open basement. Mark nodded in agreement, beginning to jog down the stairs, Tyler and me behind him.

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