Chapter 12

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Ranna's POV

I woke up from a peaceful sleep to Damien waking me up. 

"Hey baby girl" He said smiling down at me. 

"Morning Handsome" I said sitting up and stretching. 

"I just want to let you know that my flight leave in 4 hours in case you wanted to spend some time together before I have to leave" He said with sadness in his eyes. 

"I would like that dame" I said smiling at him. I could tell he was feeling sad about what happened. I really hope his mom would be okay. It would absolutely destroy him.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked him. He shrugged making me laugh. 

"We could go play some Overwatch. I downloaded it on my computer." I suggested as Damien shook his head. 

"Can we maybe just watch a movie and cuddle" He asked me with puppy eyes. God he is so freaking cute. 

"Okay. What movie" I asked turning on our TV.

"You pick" He said as I clicked on 'The forest'. I loved to watch horror movies but they scared the crap out of me. I pressed play when Damien opened his arms for me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and relaxed into his chest. He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me to his warm figure. I rested a hand on his chest and sighed happily knowing I finally had someone in my life like Damien. The movie started and I could already feel myself getting creeped out. the first jump scare happened and I jumped causing Damien to hold me closer. I laughed it off as usual.

(1 hour and 30 minutes later)

I was hid in Damien's chest while laughed. 

"Movie's over babygirl" He said kissing the top of my head. 

"That was a great movie!" I said into muffled into his chest making him laugh. 

"How would you know?! You were hid in my shirt for most of it!" He exclaimed making me hit his chest playfully. 

"I could tell okay" I responded playfully making both of us laugh. We laid in silence when I spoke up.

"How long until you leave?" I asked looking up at him. 

"30 minutes" He said kissing my cheek and getting up. I sighed as I laid on the bed facing the ceiling. I knew I was going to miss him. I just really hope his mom will be okay. He came back out fully dress and sat next to me on the bed. 

"I am going to miss you" He said looking down at me. 

"I'll miss you too" I said sadly wrapping my arms around his waist. 

"When I come back, I will be all yours" he said leaning down and pecking my lips. 

"I would like that" I said getting up out of bed. 

"Are you pack and everything?" I asked him. 

"yeah. I packed before I woke you up" He said walking toward the door. He opened it and we walked out together. We walked downstairs and Ian, Shayne, Courtney, and Flitz were there sitting and talking. They noticed us and stood up to say goodbye to Damien. 

"See ya buddy. I hope everything goes okay" Shayne said hugging him. Then it was Flitz, Ian, and Courtney. Then It came to me. We were stood by the door in silence when I wrapped my arms around his waist and hid my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. He sighed and pulled away slightly. He leaned down and kissed me gently. I kissed back feeling loved and protected. He pulled away slowly and leaned his head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him close. After a few minutes we pulled away and looked at each other. 

"I love you baby girl" He said softly holding my hands.

"I love you too Dame" I said squeezing his hands. He kissed my forehead one more time before grabbing his bags. He gave me one last look before heading out the door to the car that Ian was gonna drive. I sighed and went to sit on the couch with Courtney. She rubbed my arm while I leaned my head on my arm that was rested on the back of the couch. 

"He'll be back before you know it" She said comforting me. Shayne sat down on the other side of me and rubbed my back. 

"Yeah, you're right" I said sitting up and nodding. They smiled and handed me my mac book. 

"Overwatch?" She asked handing it to me. I nodded smiling when they brought out their laptops they brought. Flitz went to grab his and brought back an outlet extension. He plugged it into the wall next to the TV while we plugged in all our laptop cords. We got in and I was submersed into the game. I was playing as Moira, Courtney played as Zarya, Shayne played as Tracer, and Flitz was Reaper.

"Courtney on your right" I said when their lost their mech. 

"Behind you Ranna!" Flitz called out when I drained the life out of a lurking McCree. I healed Shayne as we started to capture the point easily. We played a ton more matches and it came to be about lunch time. By that time Wes and Boze had joined us. Boze played Roadhog and Wes played Junkrat. Everyone was watching us play so we started streaming our screens. Joven and Matt set up the stream stuff to our screens and game play. The main steam stuff was on the TV so that we could all see it. We got mics all set up and some lights. Then Joven started the stream. 

"Hey everyone! Its the smosh games squad and we are here to play Overwatch for you guy! SO basically how this is gonna work is we are all in teams of two. On my Team is Ranna, Wes, Flitz, Joven, and Shayne. On Lasercorns team we have everyone else cause I just want to play. Lets get into it!" Boze said as everyone cheered. We all picked our people and it was a great team.  We all picked our mains that we played last time and got into our defense positions. The rest of the day was filled with our teams winning back and forth. In the end our team won so we got to punish the others. We went into the other room to deliberate. We were all talking back and forth when Wes made a really good suggestion.

"I say we grab snow from outside and put it down their pants" Wes suggested laughing evilly. 

"Let's do it!" I said as we all high-fived. We went out into the cold and filled 4 buckets full of snow. We called them out here and I got to dump snow on Lasercorn.

"AH! That freaking cold!" He screeched making all of us laugh. After that we all went inside and I decided to go to bed. I went into the room and sighed. It's gonna be cold without him. I grabbed a change of clothes and went into the bathroom. I ran the water until it was warm enough, and took off all my clothes. I hopped in and saw the blue run down my chest and laughed. I washed my hair, and body so I grabbed a towel and stepped out. My hair had only faded slightly and I was relieved. I blow dried it and washed my face before slipping on one of Damien's shirts and some black wool pants. I stepped out of the bathroom and flopped face first onto the bed in exhaustion. I wrapped myself in the covers and laid in Damien's spot. I buried my face into the pillow and sighed to myself. I felt my phone buzz on my nightstand and turned around to grab it. I opened it and I had gotten a text.

'Hey babygirl. we're about halfway there. How are you doing <3' Damien sent. I smiled happily. 

'Hey Dame. I am doing great. I just got done streaming with everyone. You? <3' I sent when the little text bubbles appeared. 

'missing you. That's great babe xx' He sent making my heart clench.

'I miss you too dame. I was just about to go to bed xx' I sent. 

'I hope you have pleasant dreams. I love you <3' He sent. 

'I hope you have a good flight. I love you too <3' I sent back. 

'Goodnight babygirl xx' He sent making me feel special.

'Goodnight Babe xx' I sent putting my phone on the charger. I sighed sinking into the pillow once more and drifting off to peaceful sleep. 

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