Chapter 16 Part 1

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I opened my eyes and snaked out of bed. Damien was still asleep and I managed to get a couple of extra hours of sleep. I went to the bathroom and did my business and brushed my hair. I went downstairs and it was Courtney and Boze. 

"Hey guys" I said coming and sitting with them. 

"Hey! So since today is our last full day here, we're gonna have a party of sorts. The hot tub is involved and Courtney and I went to go get some snacks. If you could go wake up Damien while we go wake up everyone else that would be great." Boze explained to me. I nodded an we all went upstairs. I ran to our room and flopped onto the bed. Damien groaned. 

"Time to get up babe!" I nearly yelled. He threw a pillow at me causing me to laugh. He laid on his back and glared at me. 

"I was having a good dream babe" He groaned. I chuckled. 

"Good for you. We have to get on our swimsuits. Courtney and Boze decided were having a party." I said before I was pulled on top of Damien. He wrapped his arms around my waist and looked at me. 

"5 minutes" He said closing his eyes. I signed. He knew I couldn't resist his cuddles.

"2 minutes." I responded as he nodded. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kept them there for the two minutes of silence. As much as I don't want to move we had to. 

"We have to get up now babe. Don't get me wrong I want us to stay here, but we should get up." I said. 

"Fine" He groaned as I rolled off of his and ran to my bag. I grabbed my one piece and went to the bathroom while Damien changed into his out in our room. 

"Are you done?" I yelled. 

"yeah you're good" he yelled back. I looked at myself in the mirror before shaking out those thoughts and walking into the bedroom with Damien. 

"You looked great babe" He said to me. I felt my face become hot as I looked at Damien's bare chest. 

"You too" I said joining his side as we walked out holding hands. 

"Ready?" Courtney asked us. The people joining us were Mari, Olivia, My brother, and Wes. 

"The others wouldn't wake up but they did so lets go!" Boze said handing all of us towels. I grabbed mine and we walked outside to be met with the cold. I huddled close to Damien who was now holding me across the waist into his bare chest. We quickly got in the hot tub with Damien siting next to me and the rest scattered around the hot tub. the hot water warmed us up instantly. I sighed and leaned back into Damien who wrapped an arm back around my waist from underwater. I smiled before we got to talking. 

"Alright. Lets play a game! Two truths and a lie?" Mari Suggested. We all nodded in agreement and started playing. After a couple of turns it was my turn. 

"Okay. I have stolen from my local zoo, Christmas cookie is my favorite scent in a candle, and Remus lupin is my favorite character in Harry Potter." I said. The lie was the last one. My favorite character is Draco Malfoy.

"Alright so there is no way you stole from the zoo! You would never do that" Courtney said as everyone agreed with her. 

"Nope. Thats actually true." I said and everyone looked shocked. Even Damien. 

"Wow okay. I want to know the story behind that" Damien said and everyone agreed. 

"Well I was in 4th grade and we had gone on a field trip to the zoo. At the end of the trip go into this little gift shop part. It was Mothers day and I hadn't gotten anything for my mom so I went around picking little things up at the stations until this one lady caught me and said 'you know those aren't free right?' and I said yeah and put it back. She checked my bag and I got in trouble. She took me into the back and explained to the manager what had happened. I actually had this thing when I was little were if I experience large amounts of stress or nervousness I throw up. I started throwing up into the little waste basket. It was honestly really gross. So this guy called up a police officer to scare me! As if I wasn't scared enough! Then this guys called my mom and she took me home. She said she would never trust me again. It was heartbreaking, but my dad was furious. Anyway, that's that.  The lie was that Lupin isn't my favorite. It's Draco" I said finishing of my story. I felt Damien reach over and hug me tight. 

"I'm so sorry Ranna" Courtney said reaching under the water and rubbing my knee. 

"It's okay" I said pulling away from the hug. Damien kissed my head and we continued playing for a while. We played some other games and by the time we had finished it was about 4 in the afternoon. We were all pruney and it was getting too cold outside even with the hot tub. Damien got out an help me out as we wrapped ourselves in towels and headed inside to dry off. 

"That was fun!" I told them

"yeah it was! Now lets go change back into some comfortable clothes." Boze said and Damien grabbed my hand and we went into the room. I grabbed an over sized sweater and some leggings. Damien changed into a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. I walked out. 

"Hey I didn't want to ask with everyone there, but I could tell something was bothering when you were talking about the zoo. Are you okay?" He asked coming over to me. I nodded just a bit. 

"It's the past. Don't get me wrong it was one of the worst days of my life but at least it's over. It was about that time that my real mom got into a car accident. I had a hard time adjusting to it and my father decided it was my fault and that if i hadn't been born then I she wouldn't have died. After about 3 years of that he brings the person who is now my stepmom into the picture and she started mentally abusing me almost everyday of my life. It was about that time he started seriously abusing me. It sucked but I knew I had it better off then a lot of kids out there. I just took what I got cause after a while I started believing it was my fault." I said without crying for once. 

"Oh god Ranna. I am so sorry. No one should ever go though that. Know now that you are here and you will never be back where you were. You're here with all your friends and your fiance. Nothing can get to you now" He said taking my hand. I looked at him and wrapped him tightly in a hug. 

"I love you Damien. So much" I said hiding my head in the crook of his neck. 

"I love you too Ranna" He said wrapping his arms tightly around me to let me know that I was safe. 

"Should we go back down stairs and join our friends?" He ask pulling away and looking into my eyes. I nodded and we headed downstairs. 

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