What are those?

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Ranna's POV

I came into work today with Damien by my side feeling pretty great I'd say. We talked about random stuf going up the stairs and into the filming room. I was gonna be filming my first episode of 'What are those' and I was really excited! 

"Just do the intro and we get started!" Matt raub told us. Boze, Damien, and I sat down on the bench when they gave us the count down. 

"Hello and welcome to-" I paused "What are those!" We yelled together"

"How this works is we have three items off somewhere and we have a blindfold. Each of us will get an item and have to guess what it is! We have not seen the items before hand so the other two who don't have blindfolds on will read off hints to help the other person! Sound good? Great! Whos' going first" I asked looking between them. 

"I'll get it out way" Boze volunteered. 

"Okay, I'll go next and that means damien goes last." I yelled making everyone laugh. Boze and I switched places and I handed her the blindfold. I helped her put it on before matt placed a blue silk thing with something under it on the table. He pulled the cloth off and my eyes widened. It was a can with a freaking tarantula in it. 

"Nope. Nope. Nope" I spoke scooting a little away from Boze. She looked in my direction before reaching out and grabbing. 

"Now, we're not gonna make a mess, okay? We're going to be nice and tidy" I told her making everyone else laugh. 

"Boze brings out the mom in Ranna" Flitz pointed out making me snicker. 

"You're not wrong, but there is no way in HELL that is going on anywhere me" I told them hearing more laughter. Her nails clicked on the top of the can lid. 

"Y'all are just messing with me" She said. I deadpanned the camera shaking my head. 

"Can of tuna" She guessed. 

"Nope" Damien replied. 

"Cat food?" She asked looking toward me. 

"Stop guessing! You only have one guess left" I told her. 

"Nothing beats this when you are hungry for a protein filled snack" Damien read off in his announcer voice. 

"Oh yeah, like that's gonna help" I muttered sarcastically. 

"Can of skol" She guessed making me snort. 

"No, and you can't take off your blindfold yet." I told her pointing a finger at her before realizing she couldn't see me and put it down. 

"I'm going to take it for a second, hold on" I told her gently taking it from her. I took a deep breath before opening the can and seeing the dead spider. 

"NOPE!" I yelled throwing it back down. She picked up the contained and smelled it before gagging. 

"It's incests!" She yelled. 

"Actually, no" Damien said and I nodded. She poked the bag and I shivered. 

"Damien, you open it. I can't" I told him shaking my head. There was no way in hell I was gonna touch that bag. He took it from her and opened the top before giving it back to her. 

"We're not gonna make a mes- Okay then" I was cut off when she dumped it on the table. I scooted farther away. She started poking it and proding it. 

"It's like a bug" She guessed. 

"Yeah, actually, that's right" I replied looking impressed. 

"I don't want to look" She told me facing my direction. I reached around her and took off her blindfold. She had her eyes shut before looking down at the table. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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