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"Hello, Y/N," Bailey calls when I enter the building. "Good Morning, Bailey!" 

Bailey works for a popular media company that interviews celebrities and up coming stars about their work and their lives. As a growing musician, I've been invited on several times, being interviewed by Bailey every time. 

"Alright! Are you ready?" She asks, eyes twinkling. "How bout you tell me what the topic is and then I'll be ready. She laughs. "You'll find out soon! Prepare set!" And just like that, the world around me moves into action. 

I'm ushered to a spot in the middle of the room as I watch Bailey move next to the cameraman, prepping her questions. 

"Action!" At that word, Bailey starts. "Y/N, this interview will be focused on Madelaine Petsch." I can't help but smile at the name of the girl I haven't seen in 4 months. 

"So, for those who are clueless, who is Madelaine to you?" Bailey asks from behind the camera. 
"For those who don't know, Mads is my girlfriend. We've been together almost a year and a half. We aren't very public with our relationship. We both feel it's better to save our private lives for in, well, private. Madelaine is in Vancouver right now shooting for her show, Riverdale. She's been gone for 4 months and I... I just miss her, a lot." 

I wait for the next question, but it doesn't come. Instead I hear the click of a TV, and then, the voice of someone I love so very much behind me. 

I spin around when I hear Madelaine's voice and watch as she appears on a huge TV that I didn't notice was behind me. Madelaine shifts uncomfortably until someone asks her a question. 

"So Madelaine, who is Y/N to you?" She smiles and giggles at the question before answering. I blush at just how cute she is. 

"Y/N," Madelaine beings, "Is not only my girlfriend, but my best friend. It sounds cliché but it's so very true. I love her more than anything." Mads sighs and twirls her hair; she does this when she's nervous or wants something. "I miss her, a lot. I mean, shooting is great and I love hanging out with the cast but its hard just being away from her." 

The screen goes blank and I turn around to face Bailey. "What do you love about Madelaine?" I smile. "Everything. She always does these super sweet things to just remind me that she's there for me. Things most people see as unimportant liked holding my hand as we walk across the street or calling me everyday to check up on me. She cares about me just as much as I care about her and she lets it show. I love how caring she is. I'm over at her house almost everyday and when the cast is over she always makes sure everyone has everything they need. She's down to earth, funny, and so talented. I think one of my favorite things about her is her humbleness to it all. Despite how famous she is. I could go on. But I just love her."

The click returns and so does Madelaine's voice.  "What do you love about Y/N?" My girlfriend is looking at the ground when the question is asked. Her eyes slowly slide up to the camera. She smiles. "There is too much to say." 

The screen goes blank. 

Confused, I start to turn back to Bailey. I stop mid turn when I hear Madelaine's voice again, but much closer this time. 

"Y/N, I love you." 

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