blame the distance!

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"Cole!" You ecstatically grinned into the phone as you paced back and forth in your room.

"Hey, baby," he chuckles. "Why do you sound like your mom just gave you no limit to your credit card?"

"Because something even better happened today," you giggle. "My professor called on me today and in front of the entire class we had like an entire minute conversation and he looked so impressed!"

Your professor was known as a hard-ass and every day he'd pick on someone in your class and today you seemed to be his target but you knew better and he realized that.

"Aw, that's amazing, babe. Especially if he's the hard-ass you always say he is," Cole chuckled.

"Mhm," you hum happily. "And by the way, if my mom put no limit on my credit card you wouldn't know until I bought a plane ticket to your doorstep."

"Two more months," Cole sighs.

"Yeah, I know," you frown. "It just feels like two years away."

"I know it does, but let's not focus on that right now. Let's focus on your day."

"There's nothing more about my day," you shrug, taking a seat on your bed. "Just feels good to get on my professor's good side."

"I bet it does," Cole smiles. "Happy you're happy."

"Elated, actually."

"Happy you're elated," Cole rolls his eyes with a small grin.

"How was your day?"

The next thirty minutes the both of you went back and forth talking about everything and nothing.

This is how your conversations had been four weeks ago.

"Hey, Cole, guess wha-"

"Hey, babe. Can I call you back? I'm busy with something at the moment," Cole hurriedly replied.

"Oh," you mutter. "Okay, I'll-" you stop talking when his line is cut. You pull your phone away from your ear and look at your screen, staring at Cole's contact with furrowed eyebrows.

You both haven't spoken in days and you were growing worried that he was letting you go without letting you know.

Whenever he called you either were sent straight to voicemail or he'd pick up and tell you he couldn't talk.

He didn't even reply to texts anymore.

But he wasn't filming. What is he doing 24/7 that takes his time away from a thirty-minute phone call with his girlfriend?

You had thought of this scenario hundreds of times before you officially left New York to attend law school in London.

That was over four months ago. What would make Cole start acting out now? Was he getting tired of the long distance and if he was why would he not mention it to you?

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