please don't!

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After making sure Reggie and my other friends are busy in conversation, I pull out my phone that just vibrated out of my jean pocket. A text from my best friend is displayed on my screen. 

Juggie- Hey weirdo <3 where are you rn?

Y/N- I'm out with Reggie and some other friends.  

Juggie- You're freaking kidding me. 

Y/N- Why?

Juggie- REGGIE?!?!

Y/N- Yes! Why? 

Juggie- Where are you?

Y/N- Jug, what the hell is wrong with you?

Juggie- Y/N, tell me where you are right now. 

Y/N- What if I say no? What is going on with you??

Juggie- I'm coming to pick you up. 
Juggie- Where are you?

Y/N- I'm with Reggie and I'm fine!
Y/N- Why are you acting like this?

Juggie- I'll tell you later. 
Juggie- Y/N please. 
Juggie- Where are you? 

I stare at his last texts for a moment before a scoff leaves my mouth. 

Y/N- I'm sorry but I'm staying. 

Juggie-  You're being so difficult. 

Y/N- I'm not five years old!
Y/N- Chill Jughead!

Juggie- Wow. 
Juggie- Alright fine. 

Though I believe I had every right to say what I said, I can't help but feel a little bad. 

Y/N- Jug, I'm sorry. My parents always treat my like I can't take care of myself and I just want to hand out with my friends without people telling me I'm doing something wrong. I don't want to hurt your feelings and I'm sorry if what I said was rude. 

After sending the text, I shut off my phone and set it in my lap. 

"You okay?" Reggie asks. I send him a small smile and nod. He returns the gesture with a grin and turns to his other friend. 

My phones vibrates once again and my heart drops when I read the message. 

Juggie- Whatever. 


"Are you sure you wanna go home now?" Reggie asks me. 

It had been an hour since Jughead sent that last message and it's been killing me since. 

"Yeah, I'm sure." I assure Reggie before moving to get to my car. 

I'm pulled back roughly by his arm grabbing mine. "Aren't you gonna say bye to me?" He asks, eyes flashing. 

I'm sure he meant it to sound sweet but it came out dominating and overpowering. I feel my eyebrows furrow together while ever ounce of liking towards him dissipates into nothing. 

I pull my arm away harshly and stare him straight in the eyes with confidence I didn't know I had. "Goodbye." I say firmly.

I turn on my heel and walk away. 

"He's in his room." FP says after we've briefly hugged and I've asked where his son is. "He's been acting weird for the past couple hours", he continues, "Is he okay?" I smile softly. "That's what I'm going to find out. 

I open Jughead bedroom door and my eyes fall on the boy who has always made my heart leap. 

"Jug," I say quietly. 

He looks up from his desk with shock, eyes widening. 

"Y/N?" He asks as he walks toward me. "Are you okay?" 

I tilt my head in confusion and nod. "Of course, Jug. Why wouldn't I be?" 

He holds my gaze for a moment before sitting on his bed, looking away. He runs his hand through is hair as a sigh escapes his mouth, still not looking at me. I sit next to him cautiously and softly cup his face in my hands. "Juggie," I say, trying to talk to him. Finally he meets my eyes and I don't miss the worry in them. "You don't know how he talks about you, Y/N." I tilt my head. "Reggie?" I ask. He nods slowly. 

"He talks about you like you're some sort of trophy that can be one.  Some toy he can just mess with and take advantage of. He keeps telling all the guys at school that he wants a girl 
 -especially you-  who he can use for pleasure and then brag about it. I can't just sit and watch him say these things. The last time I saw him, I told him that if he ever laid a hand on you in my presence he would regret it. He scoffed at me, but I don't care because he doesn't deserve you and I will not let him take advantage of you. I. Will. Not." 

Tears sting my eyes and I hold my breath. He continues. 

"I'm sorry if you feel like I'm holding you back but, .... god Y/N it's not fair." He says. "What's not fair Jug?" I croak out. He stares at the floor. 

"Everytime I try to make you mine, you move away. You move onto some guy who doesn't see you the way I do. Who doesn't care about you the way I do. Or have their heart flutter when they see you for the first time in a few days. I just..... please don't leave my again," He sighs, "I can't handle it." 

Tears have left my eyes down and are running down my face. I press my lips firmly to his. 

"I'm not going to leave you," I say,"Not now. Not ever." 

859 WORDS. LMAO.  

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