too much!

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As soon as I walk in the door, I drop my bags.

I look up at the sky and squeeze my eyes shut to try to stop the tears that will inevitably fall. Dread wells up in my body and I try to hold it in but I can't. I break.

The sound of my crying fills the front hallway of my apartment.

As several minutes pass, I make myself calm down and make my way into the kitchen. And the I see the stack of textbooks sitting on the counter.

My vision becomes cloudy again.

My attention is pulled away from the stack of textbooks after seeing all of the dirty dishes that reside in the sink.

I walk over to the mess, and begin cleaning. All the while knowing I should be working on my paper instead.

For some reason, the thought of my paper makes me cry harder than I had before.

I don't hear the sounds of the front door opening and closing until it's too late to dry my tears.

"Baby..?" Vanessa's voice calls out, laced with concern.

I bite my lip and try to contain the shaking of my hands.

Why are you hiding your feelings from her? You can't do this all alone. You need help.

"Love, what's wrong?" I hear her ask, much closer than before.

I turn off the running water and turn to face her, knowing that my face is streaked with dried tears.

Vanessa's eyes widen and she steps forward tentatively. "Oh, Baby..."

She trails off, stepping even closer and pulling me into a hug. "What's going on?" She asks.

"There's too much," I say, shaking my head.

I break down again. Sobs racking my entire body.

After several minutes have passed, Vanessa speaks up. "What needs to be done?"

"Way too much," I say again, exhausted.

She cups my cheek in her small hand. "Y/N please. I need to know."

My tears fall silently. "I have a huge test tomorrow and even though I've studied so hard this last week, I still don't understand any of the material. And when I went to my professor for help, she basically told me 'That's too bad'. I also have a paper due tomorrow that I started on weeks ago, but I misread the instructions so I have to start all over. College is getting to be too much."

Vanessa sighs and kisses the top of my head.

"I have to motivation to do anything," I whisper.

"Hey," Vanessa lifts my head with her hand, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do any of it. I'm just so... tired."

Vanessa sighs and the her face lights up. "I have a plan."

I give her a light eyeroll. "Yeah?"

"Yes! You go take a nap, okay? I'll clean and get dinner ready, don't worry about that. When that's all done, I'll wake you up and we'll pull an all nighter together. We can listen to music and jam while you write your paper and I'll help you study. That sound good?"

I smile ever so slightly. "Yeah... That sound's nice."


I kiss her very tenderly. "I love you, V."

"And I, you."

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