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Friday night. Movie night with the cast.

It was a tradition that had been going on basically since the moment you became friends with them. Every Friday when the cast wasn't filming, you all got together, piled on the couch with blankets and snacks, and watched movies until you were too tired.

Jordan's arm was slung over your shoulders, your head resting on him as you watched Drew scroll through the movies on Netflix, everyone quietly discussing what they wanted to watch.

When he paused at the Horror movie section, Jordan protested, earning nothing but laughs from the rest of the cast.

"Horror movie it is, Jordan?" Vanessa teased, watching Drew scroll through them as he tried to find a good one.

"The Conjuring?" he asked, lifting his eyebrows as he looked over at the both of you.

"Can't we pick something else?" you suggested, not wanting to be kept up all night by a stupid movie.

"We never watch horror movies together, maybe you'll like this one can we just try?" Lili whined.

You looked up at Jordan, who let out a loud sigh as he shrugged, silently telling you that he guessed you guys should give it a shot for once.

You nodded your head, figuring maybe your random fear of dumb horror movies might have passed by now, even though you were pretty sure that wasn't actually the case.

Cami hopped up off the couch, shutting the lights off before jumping back into her spot that was on the other side of Lili.

"Here goes nothing," you mumbled as you placed the fuzzy blanket over you and Jordan, cuddling in closer to him as the intense opening music began, making you slightly nervous already.

Jordan rested his hand on your thigh comfortingly, leaning down to kiss the top of your head before diverting his eyes back to the screen.

The beginning of the movie was better than you were expecting, but after a while both you and Jordan had stiffened up, moving closer to each other under the blanket for safety.

Jordan nuzzled his face into your neck, his breath tickling your skin as he shielded his eyes from the screen in front of him.

The other friends didn't seem to take notice, too invested in the movie and their own fright, which they accepted with open arms unlike you and Jordan who resented it.

You hand found the back of Jordan's neck and then his hair, where you ran your hands through it in hopes of comforting him.

At one of the jump scares, both of you shrieked, grabbing each other tightly, able to feel the rapid beating of Jordan's heart through his hoodie as he held you tightly, his eyes moving towards and away from the screen as the movie continued.

"It's okay, babe," you whispered, laughing slightly at how pathetic the both of you probably looked to the cast, and you noticed the smile creep onto his face after you kissed his cheek, making him feel better.

"Why do people like movies like this?" he asked, his nose scrunching as he cringed, his body tense in anticipation of the next jump scare. "I don't even know why it freaks me out I don't like it."

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