Chapter 2

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When you woke up, you are met face to face with Shiki. He was staring intently at you.

"Oh, good morning..." You smiled, yawning and stretching out of cold, hard bed.


Why was Shiki right there when you woke up? Was he watching you sleep?? How long has he been there??? Did you snore????

"Oh, you look so anxious, (Y/n). It's simply adorable." He smirked for a moment before looking towards the window. You glanced up only to see the once clear blue sky painted in black.

Did you sleep all day?!

"I know, it's quite shocking." He chuckled. "Who knew a girl could sleep the whole day away? But I still waited for you, and I'm glad you've finally woken up. Is your head doing any better?"

You paused for a moment and realized that there was no pounding. Your head was back to normal. You sighed in relief as you looked up at him. "I seem to be better..." He nodded his head in approval.

"Anyhow, it's getting dark out. I'm going home." He stated as he turns around, walking towards the door.

'Wait, can we, uhm, can I walk with you...?" You asked, running towards Shiki. He didn't respond, but you followed him anyway.

You exit the school together and you gazed at the night sky. You still couldn't believe that you slept the whole day. You dug through your bag to find your cellphone to check the time, but couldn't find it.

You were sure you had it this morning...right?

You tried to think back to earlier this morning, but you couldn't remember anything...

You pondered over it and vaguely remembered waking up this morning. You could recall walking towards school, but everything after that was like a blur.

But you could remember Shiki's gentle voice as he called out to you and guided you to the infirmary. You lightly smiled at the thought and looked at his back.

He hadn't said anything, and you wanted to break the silence.

"Uhm, I-I wasn't able to say it before, but t-thank you for helping me today..." You stuttered as you looked to the ground.

"I know you were there for me, at least I think you were. So thank you, Shiki, I really appreciate it. If there's anything I can do to repay your kindness, let me know." Your heart feels warm as you say this.

"Do you mean that?" He asked, turning around to face you. "You want to repay me?"

"Well sure, you did help me after all. If there's anything I can do, just let me know and I'd be happy to do it." You replied with a smile.

"Then be mine..."

Huh...? Did you hear him correctly?

"What do you mean...?" You asked cautiously. You couldn't tell his facial expression due to the lack of light.

"Just what I said. Be mine." He stated bluntly.

"Is this some kind of weird joke? I don't really understand it, Shiki..."

"It's not difficult; just say yes. That's all there is to it." He spoke while approaching you.

You were hesitant, still not understanding what he meant.

"How could you say no to poor little me? All I've done to help you, yet you're so hesitant. Just say yes, my dear (Y/n)..."

It was like the world was spinning, noises were ringing in your head, you felt nauseous.

"What are you waiting for?" The once gentle voice suddenly sounds cold and harsh...

"Shiki, please stop this..." You call out, frantically looking around in worry.

"It's just a simple word," You could see Shiki approaching you as he puts his hand on your chin, turning your head up to look into his deep blood orange eyes.

"Yes..." The word escaped your mouth involuntarily and suddenly everything went back to normal. You could hear his footsteps as he approached you.

"Good girl..." He patted your head and took you by the hand.

What did you just say? Did you really just say yes?? It's too late now to say anything... maybe nothing will happen. Or maybe this is all some sort of joke. It must be...

"Well, I'm glad that's all settled, I'll be seeing you tomorrow, my dear (Y/n)~" And with that Shiki disappeared into the night.

You noticed you were right in front of your apartment, you didn't realize you were this close the whole time, but tried not to think too much of it.

You took out your key and opened the door. It was the same old apartment as always, but it somehow felt different.

Maybe you were just tired, that had to of been it.

You sighed, quickly changing into pajamas and lying there awake in your bed. You recalled the events that took place today until you eventually fell back asleep.

Boy oh boy, when he said the whole "be mine" thing I squealed at my own writing-

Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading!!

Have a great day or night, wherever you may be~


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