Chapter Two.

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You groaned, rubbing your eyes and waking up to see none other than a boy close up to your face. It was hard to identify but after a moment of realization, you could confirm it was Shiki staring at you with intent.

"Why good morning to you. Sleep well?" He asked with a smile.

You sat up and looked at your surroundings. It looked to be the school's infirmary...

"You aren't even surprised, how boring..."

You ignored his statement and glanced out the window to see the once early morning sky painted black.

"Did I-"

"Indeed." Shiki cut you off. "You slept the whole day away. I was worried you'd never wake up..."

"Imagine how interesting it would be if you did though, falling asleep and never waking up again, why, just the thought makes me shiver!!"

"That would be great..." You mumbled.

"What?" Shiki asked in sudden concern.

"Nothing!!" You corrected yourself.

"Anyways, does your head still hurt?"

You then realized the pounding had stopped. That nap must have helped out after all.

"Yea, but I should probably be getting back to the apartment..." You said aloud to yourself. Shiki offered to walk you home.

"Really? That'd be sweet..." Smiling, you accepted his request as he took you by the hand like a princess and helped you get out of the hard bed.

The school was empty and quiet. Only yours and Shiki's footsteps could be heard, softly hitting the ground as you walked out of the building. Your eyes met the black, night sky with sparkling dots.

The street lights guided your way as Shiki took the lead. It didn't even think to cross your mind how nor why he knew where your apartment complex was. The walk there was silent as you passed by the dark yet familiar landmarks.

You decided to break the silence. "My memories are a bit hazy, but I just wanted to thank you for helping me today...if there's anything I can do to repay your kindness, let me know and I'd be more than happy to."

"You...want to repay me...?" Your request threw him off guard.

"Well, of course, you helped me after all." You smiled.

He took a moment to think and stopped in his tracks, letting the street lamp shine to reveal a smirk. "There's a simple way for you to repay me...just be mine~"


"What do you mean?"

"Be mine." He stated, trying to be more clear. But you still didn't understand what he meant.

"After all I've done for you, yet you still hesitate. It pains my heart; oh, how you wound me!!"

You still couldn't find the intent behind his words. It felt as if everything began to spiral. You looked into his deep, blood orange eyes as a grin crept onto his face.

"It is a mere, simple word. Just say yes, you know you want to. Be mine..."

As if it were out of your control, the word slipped out of your mouth.


He chuckled. "Such a good girl..." He patted your head like one would do to a dog after performing a trick.

And with that, he disappeared into the night. The street light flickered as you were standing in front of your apartment complex.

But how...?

Aaaa thank you for reading, and thanks for sticking with me ^^

Toys (Shiki X Reader) DISCONTINUED!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang