Chapter One.

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Edited and Rewritten- 4/17/2020

You groaned as your alarm clock blared.

"Shut up..." You mumbled in annoyance.

It was supposed to be a normal, boring, Thursday. The same world, the same town, the same old apartment building. The same bedroom and the same lonely high school girl, (Y/n) (L/n).

Looking up at the ceiling, you sighed. You hated everything about your life.

"It's just going to be another, normal day...nothing interesting ever happens..."

Your life has been this way since last year when your Guardian decided it was finally time for you to grow up. They paid for your living expenses in exchange for your independence and maturity to develop on its own.

But you hated it. You hated everything, including yourself as you walked to the mirror, changing out of your warm sleepwear.

You threw on your school uniform, tossing your pajamas onto the ground sloppily, watching them fall.

All of the days were blending, nothing good nor eventful happened and you were determined it never would.

You rolled your eyes to yourself, debating if you should even bother to eat breakfast or not. You grabbed your cell phone and walked out the door with a frown on your face.

Your eyelids were falling as you dragged yourself to school. Turning on your cell phone only made you squint at the brightness.

Attempting to read the notifications through your old and outdated flip-phone caused you to fall forwards. The whole world turned upside down as your head collided with the ground.

Your phone flew across the street and you looked around to see a group of concerned students around you. But one student stood out from the others.

He had messy, purple hair and a hysterical grin on his face.

"You tripped over nothing!! How stupid can you be!?"

It was too early to process this as you groaned, trying to lift yourself only to lose all strength in your arms. The boy's laughter only grew as you fell to the ground for the second time.

You were debating if you should just stay there. The other students seemed to ignore you as they walked except for that one boy who was still laughing. Looking around, you noticed your cell phone was missing.

"Oh, looking for this~?" He chuckled.

The boy was holding up your phone with a smirk. Your only guess was that he picked it up when you fell.

Your head began to pound as you attempted to lift yourself again. Then he appeared before you, extending your hand.

"Are you alright? Here, let me help you up..."


"Do you need to go to the infirmary? Can you stand? You can lean on me if you need to..." He said sympathetically.

Was this the same person...?

The boy had gently took grasp of your wrist and helped you stand up slowly. You felt dizzy and almost collapsed into his arms.

"I've got you. Now, let's get you to the infirmary, alright?"

You couldn't remember walking as your eyes fluttered back and forth. Next thing you knew, you were laying down on the cold, plastic bed with white sheets and a hard pillow.

The boy was sitting at the end of the bed, watching you contently.

"Glad to see you're awake. You passed out as we were walking...I guess you hit your head badly..." The boy explained.

"Uhm, thank you...?" You were still confused and the world seemed hazy.

"I'm Shiki by the way. Shiki Natsumezaka."

"I am-"

"I already know who you are, (Y/n) (L/n)." Shiki smiled kindly.

Maybe the two of you met before? No, that wasn't possible. You've never spoken to any of the other kids at school, so how did he know your name?

"It's my job to know everything about everyone."

You gave him a look of confusion.

"Well, you have failing grades and live by yourself. You've been neglected by your Guardian and have a very negative outlook on life." He stated as if your life were an open book.

But how did he know so much about you, when you didn't know a single thing about the boy before you?

You didn't have time to worry about that as you raised your hand to your head.

"You're lucky it wasn't bleeding or anything. I have an idea. Here, hold on, I'll go grab you some headache medicine."

You nodded, watching him head towards the cabinets. You watched as Shiki picked the lock.

"W-Wait!! You can't do that-"

"Why not? I'm just getting some pain killers. Unless you don't want my help?" Shiki raised an eyebrow at you.


He continued to fiddle with the lock until it opened with a loud clicking noise.

You watched as he scanned the shelves before picking out the right one and approaching you.

Here, can you swallow pills?" Shiki asked, placing the pill in your hand.

"I've never seen this color pill before...this doesn't look like a pain killer..." You said hesitantly.

"Maybe it's just a different brand." He stated casually. "Just worry up and take it." He barked as you nodded.

"Maybe you should try taking a nap." He suggested.

"I guess you're right..." You agreed. "But what about class?"

"I'll talk to your teacher for you. Now, get some rest." Shiki said gently, walking away. You nodded before resting your head on the pillow, curling yourself into a ball, and closing your eyes.




Shiki's P.O.V

He made loud footsteps and stepped out of the infirmary for a moment to report to her teacher.

"I believe she's a second year, a year younger than I am..." Shiki mumbled to himself, scanning the classrooms for hers.

"Excuse me-"

Shiki walked into a classroom, opening the door to see all eyes on him.

"What's he doing here?"

"Isn't he a part of the Student Council?"

"He never shows his face around that much."

"He's kind of creepy when you look at him."

Numerous rumors were spreading around the room as he approached the teacher.

"(Y/n) (L/n) will be resting today in the infirmary."

"Who?" The teacher asked.

"She's in your class, ma'am." Shiki almost gagged to himself having to act so respectfully.

The teacher looked down at her attendance book before looking back up at him. "Oh, my mistake. She isn't very social, I don't believe she's even spoken to me once. Thank you for letting me know, Mr. Natsumezaka."

Shiki held back from rolling his eyes as he bowed, leaving the room. He blocked out the other useless chatter the students fussed about and went back to the infirmary to report to (Y/n).

There he found her sound asleep, curled up into a ball, and breathing soundly. But even when she slept, she had a frown on her face...

This poor girl...oh, how he'd love to make her suffer even more...

Toys (Shiki X Reader) DISCONTINUED!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant