Chapter 27

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Previously on Toys:

"Well did something happen or not?" You asked, slightly annoyed.

"It was the alcohol so I'm sure you didn't consciously do what you did, but just know that if I ever catch you doing that again..." He stopped for a moment to think before grinning.

"I'll just have to punish you again~"

Enjoy the story~!

You froze on spot.

Oh no.

What could you have done to receive that kind of response??

He began to laugh as you worried.

"You should see the shock on your face, I simply adore it~"

You had no idea how to respond.

He just threatened to hurt you again.

Shiki lightly punched your arm with a grin.

"I'm just joking~" He snickered.

"Unless of course, you want me to~"

You were unsure how to respond and did your best to ignore this comment.

Luckily, the school building was in sight and you changed the subject.

"So, what am I supposed to do today? Am I going to class or am I with that tutor?" You asked, genuinely confused.

Shiki sighed before looking back at you.

"You don't really have a choice at this point; the 'Almighty Rem' declared that some rat will be tutoring you, so there isn't much I can do about it..." He put his fingers in quotation marks as he said Rem's name causing you to slightly giggle.

"Listen to me though." The seriousness in his voice caused you to stop giggling.

"If he does anything to you, I won't hesitate to put him to sleep."

You knew better than anyone that he would probably actually do it, so you nodded your head.

"I'm sure everything will be fine, Shiki. I doubt anything will happen." You said with a reassuring smile.

He seemed to have doubted you but there wasn't much he could say in response.

The class bell rang and nearby students scrambled to class, leaving you and Shiki alone in the hallway.

Neither of you knew where you were supposed to meet with the tutor, so you both wandered the halls until you felt a tap on your shoulder.

Turning around, you were met with a blue haired stranger.

"Why hello, Ms. (L/n)." His voice was calm and he had a smile on his face.

You looked over at Shiki who wore an angered expression.

"My name is Roen, and from this point on, I shall be your royal tutor."

"More like a royal pain in the ass..." Shiki mumbled under his breath.

You started to giggle at Shiki's comment but Roen's sharp glare caused you to stop immediately.

"Anyways, follow me this way." He stated as he walked forward.

You trailed behind Shiki until Roen abruptly stopped.

"You can leave now, Shiki." Roen stated.

Shiki scoffed.

"As if I'd leave her in the hands of a rat."

Roen seemed to feel intimidated, but took a breath and spoke regardless.

"Rem had instructed me to tutor Ms. (L/n). You'll just distract her so please leave." His voice was stern.

Shiki glanced at you before looking back at Roen.

"You touch a hair on her head and I'll turn you into a stuffed animal."

Roen shrieked at Shiki as you gave him a concerning look.


Was he scared of Shiki?

Thinking logically, it's completely understandable for anyone to be afraid of Shiki.

But the shriek was surprisingly unexpected. He looked so composed yet to hear a sound of fear out of his voice...

You decided to disregard the thought and turned to Shiki.

"Nothing will happen to me." You smiled.

Shiki nodded his head in understanding.

Shiki told you he was just going back to the third library and told you to call if you needed anything.

"Promise me nothing will happen?" Shiki asked, still unsure of himself.

You nodded your head as Roen tapped your shoulder.

"We get the point; right this way Ms. (L/n)."

Roen began to walk away and you quickly followed behind him as you waved back at Shiki.

He smirked back at Shiki and you could clearly see the annoyance on his face as he got further and further into the distance.

You suddenly felt nervous about the blue haired stranger before you. Maybe this was a bad idea, and you should have just hung out with Shiki...

It was too late now of course, and you just hoped for the best.

"Ms. (L/n). Is something the matter?" He asked, not bothering to turn around as he walked.

"Uh, n-no I'm fine..." You felt nervous around him and stuttered.

"Anyone who says they are 'fine' is obviously lying." He scoffed.

Even though he said that, he didn't press the subject any further.

He led you into a vacant classroom, locking the large doors as you looked back at him in concern.

"Why did you lock the door...?" You asked nervously.

He made no comment and put two desks together.

The two desks were touching and you watched as he sat down, patting the other desk with his pale hand for you to sit beside him.

You braced yourself and sat down.

You were expecting him to bring out a textbook or something, but he just stared at you.

His gaze made you feel uncomfortable as if he was staring deep into you.

You began to feel self-conscious...

"I-Is there something on my face...?" You asked nervously.

He smirked.

"I'm just trying to process what happened recently between us..."


"The other night at the bar, you've intrigued my interest Ms. (L/n)~"



What was he talking about...?

"Oh? Don't tell me you can't recall what you said to me?" He looked hurt in some way.

What could you have said!??

"You said you wanted to go out with me~"


Ahah this upload schedule is killing me, but I'm doing my best ^^;;;;

I am honestly shocked that I'm at 1.8k, and I can barely believe it!!

Seriously, thank you so much for reading!!!

Ans as always, have a great day or night, wherever you may be!!!!


Toys (Shiki X Reader) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now