Chapter 10

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"Huh? Nothing happened, why do you ask?" You said, avoiding eye contact.

"Because you look like you're about to cr-"

"Hey, want a drink of water?" You asked, desperately trying to avoid the subject. Ritsuka sighed, putting down her bag and nodding her head.

You looked on the counter and saw Shiki's purple cup. You stopped in your tracks and stared at the cup.

Just a few moments ago, you experienced the most horrifying thing in your life. You were terrified.

The scene replayed in your head.

"(Y/n)!" Ritsuka is now standing in front of you. "I've been calling your name but you didn't answer me."

"Huh, uhm, sorry about that. Just kind of tired I guess..." You mumbled, turning your back to the purple cup and heading towards the cabinet.

"What color cup do you want?" You asked, opening the cabinet and showing Ritsuka your surplus of colored plastic cups.

"I'll take orange I guess..." She replied, looking back at you in annoyance.

You filled her cup with water and grabbed a new cup for yourself, doing the same.

"Here you go," You put the cups on the kitchen table. "One for you, and one for me." You forced yourself to smile as the two of you took a seat.

Ritsuka took a sip of water and then looked at you.

"(Y/n), what happened? And no excuses either." You avoid eye contact.

"Come on, you can talk to me. And if you need to, rant about what's wrong. I'll be right here to listen and support you no matter what!" You noticed a genuine smile on her face.

"That's not fair, how can I say no to that?" You asked with a giggle.

"Alrighty, so just let it all out!" She smiled at you and you smiled in return.

"It feels really nice to smile like this..." You said to yourself.

"You haven't been smiling recently?" Ritsuka asked. "If that's so I can change that!" She has a smile of determination on her face.

"If it's really bringing you down, rather than forcing you to talk about it, you can distract yourself from the problem and have fun for a bit right?"

Ritsuka had a point.

"Yeah, you're right!" You smiled. Maybe this is what you needed. Just some time to not worry about him. Time to relax and enjoy yourself.

"Oooo wanna watch a movie?" Ritsuka asked, getting off of her chair and heading towards her bag. "I brought some if you want to." She smiled.

You didn't say anything and walked over to her, displaying several movies.

"Wow, that's a lot..." You watched as Ritsuka unpacked movies from her bag.

"I didn't know what kind of movie you would like, nor your favorite genre. So I played it safe!" She giggled, now laying out eight movies side by side.

You ponder over which movie to watch and pointed at your favorite.

"This one? I heard it's got a ton of good reviews. Have you seen it already?" She asked, putting the others back into her bag.

"Yeah, I love this one. I feel like you'd like it too, if you want to watch it." You grinned. It really was a good movie.

"Sure! I'll go put it on, wanna make some popcorn?" She smiled, "If you have any though."

"I'm not sure..." You muttered, walking back towards the kitchen and searching cabinets. After a few moments of searching, you stumble across a box of butter popcorn.

"Jackpot!" You exclaimed, lifting up the box and showing it to Ritsuka. "Nice!" She replied.

You popped the popcorn and brought it out in a big bowl, putting it on the side table in front of the T.V.

As you did so, Ritsuka had already put the movie in the DVD player. The both of you ended up eating half the popcorn just during the commercials. You distracted yourself with the movie and laughed alongside Ritsuka.

Halfway through the movie, you realized that all of the popcorn has been eaten. You've already seen this part of the movie, and got up to wash the popcorn bowl.

You then found the pieces of broken glass in the sink. You froze.

You pick up a pointed piece, and it collides with the tip of your finger. You stare as blood drips down into the sink.

It didn't hurt. This was nothing compared to the pain you experienced earlier when he slapped you. Yet your eyes began to water at the thought.

"(Y/n)?" Ritsuka called, pausing the movie and rushing to your side. She gasped when she sees the broken glass.

"What happened?!" She then noticed your finger. "Oh my god, (Y/n)!!" She quickly turned on the sink and allowed the water to wash away the blood from your finger.

Using the back of her hand, she pushed the glass to one side of the sink.

"Do you have any disinfectant? You should clean it just to be safe..." Ritsuka said as you look up at her, a tear escaping your eye.

As if on instinct, Ritsuka embraced you into a comforting hug. It wasn't forceful and it didn't hurt, but a wave of sadness overtook you. Before you knew it, you were sobbing in Ritsuka's arms.

She rubbed your back in a soothing matter as you let your emotions get the better of you.

"It'll all be okay, (Y/n)...I'm here for you..." She mumbled this softly as she let you go. Using your sleeve, you wiped away your tears and looked up at her.

"I-I'm so sorry-"

She gently shushes you with a light smile. "You don't have to apologize, this is what I'm here for. I knew something wasn't right and I understand if you can't talk about it, but just know I'll be right here for you, (Y/n)."

You sniffled and tried to smile. "T-Thank you, Ritsuka..."

You felt like the luckiest girl to have a friend like Ritsuka. You then noticed that the sun was no longer out.

"Is it this late already?" She asked.

"I guess so. Want me to walk you home?" You offer.

"Is that okay? I don't want to burden you-"

"Now who needs to shush? It's fine. I'll be here for you too." You smiled at her warmly.

A few moments pass as she packed up her bag.

You grabbed your keys and lock the apartment doors. Luckily, there were street lights so you weren't completely in the dark. 

"It sucks you still can't find your phone. Otherwise, you could text me whenever you need me." She sighed.

"Yeah, I have no idea where it went. I guess someone took it for themselves at this point..." You sighed alongside her. It'd be much more convenient for you two to keep in touch.

"I'll see you at school on Monday though, right?" She asked as you nodded your head. "I'm glad then."

The two of you reached her house and someone was waiting outside as if expecting them to be here.

"Who's that?" You asked.

"That's just my brother; Hey Lindo!!" She called with a smile.

He waved to you and talked to Ritsuka, although you couldn't hear what they were saying. Ritsuka turns around with a smile.

"Do you want to come in for a bit?"

Hey hey, thank you so much for reading this far!!

It's going to get alot better from here on out, and I'm excited to share my ideas with you all!!

Again, thank you so much for reading!!

Have a great day or night kiddos!!


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