Chapter 3

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Your alarm rang in your ears as you sat up from your bed. Sighing, you turned it off and started walking towards an empty fridge.

Today at least was Friday, so you had the weekend to look forward to. No stress, no homework...


You couldn't remember doing your homework last night... you didn't even go to class yesterday!! You knew you were going to get in trouble, but maybe Ritsuka would lend you her notes and help you out?

You grabbed some spare change in your wallet and decided to go to the general store and pick up breakfast before heading to school.

You quickly changed into your uniform and walked out the door, only to find Shiki right outside. You gasped in surprise at seeing him so suddenly.

"What, are you scared~?" He asked with a grin.

"Of course not, Shiki." You smile, trying not to hurt his feelings.

"Well then that's a problem..." Shiki mumbles to himself. "Any who, isn't it a bit early to walk to school?" He asked, scanning your uniform.

"Not to mention that your uniform still seems to be dirty..." He sighed as he started wiping dirt off your uniform. His hand started at your chest and wiped off the dirt as your face turned pink.

Calm down, he's just wiping off the dirt, he doesn't mean anything by it...

"Oh? You like this? My, so early in the morning too, how vulgar~" He chuckled as you pushed his hand away.

"You know that's not what I meant..." You tried your best not to get flustered.

You turned your nose up at him and began to walk towards the store. Shiki walked beside you, holding onto your wrist.

How come he's holding on to your wrist?

You then remember the conversation you had last night.

What did he really mean? You said yes, but you still don't understand... maybe you should have said no... but then again, that may have been more of a risk.

"Is something bothering you?" His question threw you off guard.

"Huh? Uhm, no I'm alright-"

"Don't think you can lie to me." His serious tone of voice cut you off as you look at him.

You looked at him, not knowing how to react.

"If only you could always have that expression on your face..."

You didn't understand what he meant. What expression? Were you making a certain face??

He looked you deep in the eyes with a now gentle smile.

"If you ever need anything, feel free to tell me." His smile made you give a light smile in return.

"Besides, it's not like anyone else would ever go this far for someone like you..." His words suddenly seemed harsh as he tightened his grip on your wrist.

"Huh...?" You were baffled by his words and sudden actions.

"What's wrong?" He asked as his grip loosened.

"What did you just say?" You asked, not sure how to feel.

"I didn't say anything, what're you talking about?" His smile left you confused.

"Come on, you said you were going to the convenience store right?"

You couldn't remember telling him, maybe you did...

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