Chapter 12

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You had an uneventful Sunday, and you spent it indoors playing on your (favorite console). It felt nice to have a day entirely to yourself, without having anyone else to worry about.

You hadn't eaten anything all day, but playing games made you forget about your hunger. 

You made a mental note to go to the store before school tomorrow morning. By the time you realized this it was too late to go shopping.

You laid in bed and quickly fell asleep.




It was now Monday morning, and you woke up an hour before your alarm.

You stretched your arms and yawned before getting out of bed. You changed into your uniform and headed towards the fridge.

You looked through the refrigerator and took out the pitcher of water. You grab a cup and filled it up.

There still wasn't anything to eat in the fridge, so you grabbed your wallet and quickly went towards the convenience store.

It was only a few blocks away, but you do your best to be fast.

You scanned the aisles for breakfast foods with a shopping cart in hand. You somehow ended up in the freezer section and found microwavable breakfasts.

There were pretzels, breakfast bowls, and you put a few ready-made dinners in the cart as well.

You stood there, calculating the prices. You had seven boxes all together, and it added up to ten dollars. (or whatever currency you use)

While you were there, you grabbed a few juice boxes as well. The feeling of nostalgia made you smile.

You greeted the female cashier and put your items on the conveyor belt.

"Is that all for today ma'am?" She asked as you nodded. You hand her the money and start placing the items into bags.

"Also, do you know what time it is?" You asked in rush, holding onto all of your bags.

She told you the time, and there was only half an hour before school started.

"Thank you, have a good day!" You called as the cashier smiled back.

You tried not to run, but walked as fast as you could back to your apartment.

By the time you made it back, you were out of breath and panting before opening the door. You put the bags on the table and quickly unpacked them.

You looked at the time on the stove and realized there was only fifteen minutes left before school.

You quickly put everything in the freezer and grabbed a juice box, taking your book bag and quickly walking towards school.

On your way, you can see Ritsuka in the distance. You call out to her and she turned around with a smile.

"Hey (Y/n), how are you this morning?" She asked with her usual carefree grin.

"I'm doing alright, kinda tired but alright-"

"Is that a juice box? I haven't had one of them in forever!" Ritsuka cut you off with a giggle.

"Yeah, same here. I had to go to the store this morning and saw these, so I knew I had to pick up a pack." You smiled, taking a sip of your juice box.

"Oh," You put the juice box to your side, away from your face. "Thank you again for yesterday, it was awesome and I'm so happy." You grinned.

"I'm glad! I hope we can hang out again, (Y/n)!! When are you going to be free again?"

"I'm actually not sure, but I'll let you know when I'm certain nothing is going on that day!" You grin.

You would love to have her over every day, but you didn't want to suddenly hang out with her and then someone inviting himself over like usual.

Next time you see him, you'll have to ask him for his approval.

"Wait...why do I need his approval...?" You mumble lightly to yourself, not realizing you spoke your thought aloud.

"Who's approval?" Ritsuka asks in confusion.

"Huh? Oh, uh, nothing important. Don't worry about it!" You reply with a smile. She didn't seem to believe it was genuine, but didn't push the issue.

You hear the starting bell and the both of you look at each other.

"Guess from here on out we're running!" Ritsuka giggles, "Catch me if you can~!" She calls, running away.

"Hey, wait up!!" You call, chasing after her with a grin on your face.

After running as fast as you could, you ended up in front of your classroom. And you luckily weren't late.

Ritsuka sat in the desk to your right side, with the windows on your left. You sat in class, doing your best to focus on the lesson.

Your attempt ended in failure when you realized you were doodling in the margins of your worksheets.

You sigh to yourself and Ritsuka looks over at you.

"Everything okay?" She whispers lightly. You point at the doodles on your worksheet and she covers her mouth, trying not to giggle.

You shrug your shoulders in defeat and try not to worry about it. You know Ritsuka would share her knowledge with you.

Besides, it was easier for you to understand the lessons when you had Ritsuka Tachibana teaching you basic equations and language arts.

The ending bell rings and you and Ritsuka both sigh. Today was Monday, meaning you had Gym class.

"Let's get this over with..." You sigh to yourself as Ritsuka attempts to smile.

"I know you don't like Gym either, you don't need to force yourself to smile." You say with another sigh.

The two of you walk to the dressing room and head to your lockers.

You start to change into your uniform when you feel someone looking at you. You glance around the room and don't see anyone suspicious. You then remember the window and look up, only for no one to be there...

"You okay?" Ritsuka asks, noticing your suspicion.

"I felt like someone was watching me..." You say lightly.

"I hope not. Try not to worry about it too much, okay?" Ritsuka reassures you and you nod your head.

After changing, you and your class head outside. The sun is bright and it's humid outside.

"I already want to go in..." You sigh as Ritsuka sighs alongside you.

You then notice a blonde running towards the two of you.

"Hey~!" She calls, as Ritsuka waves at her.

The blonde approaches you and smiles.

"Hey Ritsuka, what's up?" She asks, the noticing you.

"Oh? Who's this?" The blonde asks.

"This is my friend (Y/n). (Y/n), this is Azuna. You can trust her, she's great." Ritsuka says with a grin.

"Uh, n-nice to meet you." You say, putting your guard up.

"You too! Anyways, it looks like class is going to start soon, we'd better hurry." Azuna says, pointing at the rest of the class on the other side of the court.

"You're right, come on (Y/n)!" Ritsuka says, holding onto your arm in a gentle manner as the three of you run to join your class.

And that's all for now!

Thank you so much for reading!!

Have a great day or night wherever you may be!


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