Winter Shiki X Reader

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Aye yall I'm back lmao

Sorry about not updating in almost a month ;;;

But I'm back lmao and I'm pretty confident after days worth of writing and editing this chapter to post it now

I've gotten really self-conscious about this, constantly changing ideas and even whole conversations between you and Shiki, but I've kept in the best parts I could think of!!

I'll stop rambling, and I hope you enjoy the story~

You and Shiki had just finished watching a Christmas movie together on the couch.

But even though you were both under the blankets, you were still cold.

"(Y/nnnn)" He whined as you got up.

"Aren't you cold too? Just come back under the covers with me..." He pouted as you got up, walking towards the stove.

You knew exactly what would warm the two of you up.

You went into the cabinets and whipped out your packets of hot chocolate mix, pouring them into a mug and adding milk.

You've never prepared hot chocolate or anything, and just placed it in the microwave, hoping it turn out alright.

Your guardian didn't make hot chocolate often, so you never fully grasped how to make it.

After a few moments, Shiki must have gotten tired of waiting as he stood up from the couch.

The hot chocolate finished as microwave beeps were heard from afar.

"What is that?" He asked, looking at you as you took two mugs out of the microwave.

"It's called hot chocolate. You've never had any before?"

He shook his head.

"So it's hot?" He asked, noticing the puff of steam emitting from the mug as you placed it down on the counter.

"Of course it's hot, it just came out of the microwave. We have to wait until it cools down-"

You were cut off by Shiki approaching you, picking up the mug and pouring the whole thing into his mouth!!

A moan could be heard and you looked at him in concern.

"Shiki!! Did you jus-" His face is a light shade of red as his body tingled, yet you couldn't tell if it was from pain or delight.

You gently approached him, placing down your hot chocolate as you walked towards him in concern.

"S-Shiki, sweetie, are you alright...?" You asked softly as he nodded his head.

It looked as if he were blushing as he made his way over towards your mug.

"Shiki!! No!!" It was like you were scolding a child as he turned back at you.

"But why...?"

"What do you mean 'why' Shiki!! You're not supposed to burn yourself, let alone your throat!!" You exclaimed in anger.

"How come you're so upset about this?" He seemed to be inching closer and closer towards your mug, but you didn't notice until he grabbed it.

Your natural instincts kicked in as you ran towards him.

"Shiki, wait!!" You ended up bumping into him as the whole mug fell to the ground, spilling hot chocolate all over and shattering the glass mug.


Toys (Shiki X Reader) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now