Chapter 6

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Shiki's P.O.V

(Y/n) was now sitting on the couch with a tired look on her face and staring at the T.V. I couldn't tell if she felt angry, humiliated, or annoyed.

Either way, she'd look adorable with any type of expression so I didn't particularly mind.

I walked over towards her and looked down at her.

"May I?" I figured I should at least ask before sitting next to the girl. She nodded her head and I sat beside her.

With the remote in hand, she put on a show I've never seen before. I looked at her in curiosity.

"What is this?"

"It's an animal documentary." She replied, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"What is it about?" I ask slightly confused. I can see an animal on the screen, but I can't remember it's name. Not that it mattered anyway.

"It's like the title says. It's an informational show about animals and how they live their lives." Her tone of voice was dull and she seemed to be more focused on the T.V rather than me.

I don't like this.

"So, which is this one?" I didn't particularly care.

"It's a deer, well a fawn since it's younger." For some reason she had a light smile on her face.

This was stupid. Is there even a point in watching these creatures?

If anything, they're pitiful beings trying to survive in an unkind world. The thought is amusing, and this thought is the only thing keeping me from changing the channel.

It seemed fun to watch an animal suffer.

*Your P.O.V*

You decided to calm yourself down with the animal documentary. Shiki asked questions but it made you happy that he's at least trying to understand.

The fawn walked beside her mother but then began to slow down. Trying to catch up, the fawn leaped up in the air only to crash down with a thud.

Immediately after the fall, Shiki stands up hysterically laughing.

You look at him, trying to understand his sudden outburts of laughter.

"(Y/n), why aren't you laughing? That was the best part!" He held back from laughing again.

You looked at him in concern.

"Even if it's an animal, the fact that it tried to jump and immediately fell to the ground was great!"

"I don't see how that's very funny..." You said to yourself as he sat back down.

"It tried it's best and didn't succeed; the animal thought it was invincible and able to do things it couldn't!! What could be funnier than that?"

You decided not to respond and focus your attention back to the T.V.

Before you know it, an hour went by and it's suddenly dark outside.

"Is it this late already?" You say, turning off the T.V. He gave you a glance with a confused look on his face.


"'So' you should probably go back home. You don't want to worry your family or anything." He went silent for a moment before looking back up at you.

"You don't need to worry about it, I don't have a family anyways."

You didn't realize and began to apologize.

"It's fine. I'd much rather be with you than an obligated loving family."

It took a moment to process what he said, but you were then suddenly embraced into his arms.

"Shiki-" You were about to protest but he shushes you.

"Why do you keep acting out like this? Don't you understand that you're mine?"


"What do you mean?" His grip around you tightened.

"Just what I said. You belong to me and no one else."

You fell silent for a moment, not knowing how to respond.

"It'd be much more convenient if you could just give in..."

You didn't understand what he meant.

"I guess that's the only thing that makes you different from the others..." He mumbled loud enough for you to hear.

"Again, what do you mean?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He said with a blunt expression.

He released you and you looked back at him as he headed towards your room.

And that's all for now!!

I just finished watching the Live Action and oh my God it was beautiful!

Even though it was entirely in Japanese without subtitles, I could still understand what was happening just by actions and that minimal amount of words you can recognize from watching anime ahah

But I highly recommend giving it a watch; don't let the language barrier stop you from seeing an amazing show professionally recorded!!

Thank you so much for reading!! Feel free to vote and comment; feedback is always welcome!!

Have a great day or night wherever you may be!!


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