Chapter 21

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Another few weeks went by peacefully. You haven't told Shiki any of your suspicions and decided it would be for the best. You eventually forgot most of them anyways.

You were sitting on your bed alone, gazing out the window. The sky was painted light blue with white clouds passing by.

The ground below was white and fluffy; winter was in the air.

Once every week, Shiki would leave the apartment early in the morning and return back by dusk. You've never questioned what he was doing, but never thought too much of it since he usually came back with groceries.

Shiki had let you hold onto your phone, but he removed the features allowing you to call or text.

You would usually play games on your newly found cell phone, but today you kept rereading Ritsuka's messages sent now almost six months ago.

You haven't worn regular clothes in what seemed like forever, and mostly stayed in pajamas. It wasn't like you ever went outside anyways, so there really wasn't a need to.

It was only mid-afternoon, and you quietly tiptoed through the living room. As expected, it was entirely empty.

Shiki would always lock the door, and you knew better than to run away.

But you didn't want to run away.

You just wanted answers...

You sighed in defeat as you glared at the door.

Approaching it, you extended your hand and touched the door knob. Yet to your surprise, it was unlocked.

You were thrown off guard, blinking a few times and then realizing it was true.

You took your keys with you and walked out the door, a rush of cold air hitting your face as you inhaled the fresh oxygen.

You quickly began to run towards Ritsuka's house.

If what she said in that text message was true, then that means she could still care about you, right?

If she didn't want to see you, you would return back to the apartment and stay with Shiki again.

You wanted to have faith in people. Shiki had been telling you that the outside world would never accept you. How society would always hate you.

Yet you still wanted to believe...

You approached her house and hoped she would be home. You took a deep breath and rang the door bell.

After a few moments, the door opens and Ritsuka stands before you.

She was speechless.

"Uhm, long time no see..." Ritsuka smiles awkwardly.

It felt nice to have contact with someone other than Shiki, and just seeing her with your own eyes brought a smile to your face.

"Can we, uhm, talk...?" You ask.

"Are you allowed?" She immediately responds, looking at her surroundings before motioning for you to go inside.

"Why wouldn't I be allowed...?" You then thought of Shiki...

Is that what she meant?

"I mean I guess if you were able to go outside on your own, then you should be fine..." She mumbled.

"Wait, why are you in pajamas? Where's your coat??"

You chuckled and scratched the back of your head.

"I just kinda forgot..." You said honestly.

She sighed before turning to face you.

"I've been really worried about you, (Y/n). I know he told me that you didn't like me, but that didn't sound like you..." The words that escaped her mouth shocked you.

"Who told you that??" You asked in doubt.

"Shiki did. He had called me on your cellphone awhile ago."

You didn't understand...

"I really don't get why he was acting like that. The guy's gone insane. He had told me that if I ever spoke to you again that he wouldn't hesitate to kill me." She scoffed.

"It's a stupid threat, I shouldn't have believed it. I mean, a little guy like him? There's no way he would actually hurt anyone." As she said this you fell silent.

You knew better than anyone that he is capable of hurting others. He wouldn't give it a second thought.

The bruises and red marks on your body weren't for nothing.

You began to feel anxious; if Shiki somehow found out that you left the apartment, you could only imagine what he would do to you.

"I'm terrified..." You mumbled to yourself. Ritsuka looked up at you.

"And I'm so stupid... Ritsuka, if he finds me, I'll be in so much trouble..." You wanted to leave right now; you didn't want Shiki to get mad at you.

She embraces you in a hug, like she once had long ago.

"I told you that I'd always have your back. If there's anything I can do, then just say the word, (Y/n)."

You haven't felt this much warmth in a long time, and you were overjoyed.

"I knew something was weird about that kid, that's why I got upset when you stood up for him. I just want what's best for you..." She says looking back at you.

"T-thank you..." Your eyes began to water and she gave you another tight hug.

The two of you stood there for a minute before Ritsuka spoke up.

"(Y/n). Why is there a bruise on your neck...?" Her tone was serious and she let you go.

You immanently put a hand to your neck and looked down towards the ground.

A while ago, Shiki had bit into your neck hard enough to make it severely bleed. It began to heal, but left a hideous mark on the side of your neck.

It severed as a reminder of what he had done to you that day.

You weren't sure how you could even explain something like that to her...

She sighed in response.

"Do you want to stay here for the night...?" She offered, trying to change the subject.

You didn't know how to respond.

"You aren't actually thinking of going back there, right? Wouldn't you want to be free?" Her question should have been obvious, but you couldn't make up your mind.

Even after everything he's done, you still loved him...

And you liked to think that he loved you too...

After a few moments, you've finally made up your mind.

"I'll-" You were cut off.

"Found you~"



Ahahahah :D

Just hang in there guys, it'll get better from here on out >o<

I'm so excited about this story and your words truly mean the world to me!!

If anyone wants to talk about DwD don't be afraid to PM me lmao

Also real quick DwD looks like a cute emoji UwU OwO

But man as always, thank you so so so much for reading!!

Have a great day or night, wherever you may be!!


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