3. Plan B

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Katakuri decided that he would just do things simple this time. He wouldn't hold back, he would get his point across and he will not fail like the last time. Katakuri knew you were naive but he knows if he does this right, he will be able to make you see what he had been trying to say. He wasn't good with words he knew that, but when something needed to be said he wouldn't hold back and this time he wouldn't. He would ask you on a date, he would take you out and show you what a good man he was. There was no way you could misinterpret this, so there was no need for him to worry. He was finally gong to do it, to get the woman hes been wanting for the past few months. Katakuri had nothing but determination on his mind, his aura making people step out of his way clearing the path. The citizens believed the man was ready to go fight someone, and yet it was the complete opposite. As he arrived to the cafe he pushed in and with confident steps walked towards you while you were at the counter. "(Y/n) after work i would like you to go on a date with me."
You just stared up at him with confused eyes before you gave a signature smile."Sure it will be fun to spend time with you Katakuri-sama" Katakuri stood shocked, he didn't move or say a word for five minutes straight witch worried you. "Katakuri-sama are you alright?" he quickly shook his head nodding, he could not ruin this he refused to. He had finally done it, he finally got to ask you out on a date, you finally understood that he was interested in you. Nothing could ruin his mood and he meant nothing, this was it that feeling of his chest tightening had changed into pure bliss. "Alright i will be back when you close" he didn't even look back to see if you had nodded or said anything walking out of the cafe. He returned back to the chateau in high spirits on his way towards the meeting room all his younger siblings yelled his name to get his attention. He pat all of them on there heads and went on his way, spoke to all his siblings when they greeted him instead of giving them his usually firm nod of the head. As the day went on all the Charlotte's had notice what high spirits there brother had been in, they thought nothing of it just glad to see that their brother was happy. He had spent most of his days on the whole cake island instead of his own but the siblings were happy to see him almost daily so they never pointed it out. Night time approached and Katakuri was on his way back out into the city, heading towards the cafe you were waiting outside in more casual clothes than your cafe uniform. "Are you ready" you gave a small head nod as they walked along the path towards a more lively part of the city "If you don't mind me asking were are we going." Though Katakuri did not answer, not because he wanted it to be a surprise but he had no idea were they were going either. He had not thought that far ahead, he didn't know if you would misunderstand him or not so he took a risk on asking you out on a date. Not only that but he was so happy hearing you say yes he was in his own world all day. He didn't even think about were he would take you or what the both of you would do. He looked around noticing there were colorful lights floating over by the ocean, he wondered what it could be and decided to take the chance and lead you towards the harbor. Families and couples were gathered around looking up enjoying themselves not even noticing the sweet commander. That was until some younger children called out his name. Everyone greeted Katakuri and he just nodded, trying not to put to much attention on them this day was about the both of you. As they got closer beautiful lights were spread out in the night sky floating above them. (Y/n) stood in front of Katakuri amazed, your eyes focused on the lights and with nothing but excitment in your eyes. Katakuri was happy to see that, he was glad that he didnt ruin his chances, he truly wanted this night to be perfect. When the crowds started to disbatch Katakuri and you made your way towards the many restaurants on the street.

Katakuri couldnt take off his scarf, he needed another option were he wouldnt have to look so akward not eating anything. He spotted a crepe stand he grabbed your attention by tapping your shoulder and pointing towards the stand. Your face lit up with joy practacly running towards it, "good now i dont have to explain a non eating situation."

Katakuri grabbed your hand after receiving your crepe and led you away from the city to a more secluded area.

He wanted to be alone with you, the both of you can finally clear the air about his previous mess ups of attempting to ask you to be his. His steps were fast and hasty he didn't realize you were calling his name. "Katakuri your dragging me" He stopped fully in his tracks looking down at you checking if you were hurt. He sighed heavily that was another thing he had to worry about. You weren't so small compared to him you reached at-least up to his belt. But he still had to be careful with his movements and what he did around you. He lead you to an abandoned willow tree and sat down under it with you in between his parted legs. You both just stare at the sky for a moment, neither of you feeling the need to say anything it was a peaceful silence. Katakuri grabbed a piece of your hair, he was glad he could finally do things like this. His thoughts of bliss were interrupted when you spoke up. "Katakuri I'm sleepy can we head back now" He nodded letting you get out from his legs before he stood up letting you lead the way to your home. He didn't want to seem to pushy but he wanted to speak on what you both were now, as you both reach your home Katakuri speaks up. "So did you like our date" "Yes it's been a long time sense I was taken on a friendly date" Katakuri paused. Not only was he hurt he was pissed, why did you keep doing this to him. "You should get inside it's late", and with that Katakuri walked away. Your face pulled in confusion and a tinge of hurt wondering if you had said something wrong.

Katakuri walked towards the chateau so quickly he was there in minutes, which wasn't hard for him giving his size. He burst through the door scaring some servants while he stalks towards his room. He was to angry he could feel it, his hands clenched into tight fist. This was too much he was loosing his patience he had to calm down. As he retreated to his room he was lost he decided it was just time to give up. Happiness had never been for him so why should he keep trying to achieve it, he stayed awake through the night thinking tomorrow he would just act as if nothing happened. It was obvious that she was uninterested trying to easily let him down. With that he fell asleep determined to get the pain spreading trough his chest to go away.
That night both you and Katakuri didn't get much sleep that night

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