22.We finally meet

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Everyone was now gathered in the room, Jun was in the hands of those monsters who had came by the cafe earlier. He was bruised and beaten so bad, his face, what had they done to Jun. It was one thing to fight the person your upset with, but to take it out on an innocent person just for knowing you, it was low. But what would you expect, all of these animals were nothing more than dirty pirates. Your life had been in shambles in the past but you wanted to move forward with your life, and your weren't about to let them make you afraid any longer. "So girl tell me why are you with Katakuri, better yet Katakuri tell me why you lied first" "She makes me happy, and she is my woman, and that's all there is to know."

Now all of them were arguing, mostly about how he needs to get rid of you because it's for the best from him. Honestly these people had no life of their own and it was getting quite pathetic once you thought about it.

You never thought anything horrible like this would happen, but look at you being naive all over again.  You didn't listen to the conversation anymore than that, you couldn't even focus on anything but Jun. Poor Jun, he had only wanted the best for you, he was a great friend, really the only friend you had in this whole town. 

But now here you were surrounded by the very people you wished to never meet and come across again. "Katakuri, just leave me, all of this madness isn't worth it just move on with your life i cant deal with this stupidity any longer." Katakuri just looked at you with glaring eyes maybe he couldn't believe you had just told him to leave you alone, but you said it as clear as day, and maybe it had been the wrong thing to say at the wrong time but these people were pushing all the right buttons and they're weren't even speaking to you. "See Katakuri she does not even care about you anymore, it's gotten to tough on her" Mont-d-Or, just the name made your blood boil. Some people would have thought you were scared being in front of all the elder Charlotte siblings, and even in the hands of the Yonko big mom herself. But you weren't afraid, you were pissed, they had hurt Jun just to get to you. Those assholes didn't even have to drag him into this mess and yet they had only did it for they're sheer enjoyment. Mont-d-Or, he was the one who had hurt Jun, who had beaten him so badly. That clown, if he thought he was just going to get away with this he was wrong, dead wrong. You didn't dare fear these people any longer. The more you were in they're presence the more pissed off you became. Sense violence was always the answer with these people then you guess that's what you would use to get your point across. You were free of big moms hold, of course she wouldn't expect you to move in front of all of them. But you did and Katakuri had seen it coming before anybody could react, he just chose to do nothing about it. You ran up to Mont-d-Or punching him square in the face, you hear a satisfying crunch as he falls back holding his nose.

"I do care about Katakuri! I know him better than you all do and your his siblings!, you all don't wanna see him happy with a woman he clearly cares about, but you idiots attack me and for what! I did nothing wrong to him and I was defenseless the whole time you attacked an innocent woman that made your brother happy! Oh yay good for you all you clearly get the best fucking sibling awards, you did nothing but made Katakuri more disappointed in you, who are you psychos to tell him how to live his life, be bitter own your own ! But you think I'm gonna sit here and take that you hurt my friend for no reason, you clown makeup wearing ass hole!" Before Amande could slash you with her sword Katakuri pulled you into his arms out of harms way, he was proud of you for sticking up for your friend, even if he didn't like the boy, you were brave even for just a moment. And for that he couldn't help but be proud of you, especially after you stuck up for him like that and yourself. Everyone froze waiting for Katakuri to make a move, but he was waiting for the same, he wouldn't let not one of them harm you, even his mother.

"Well that's all I needed to see"

Everyone looked towards big mom, she has not said anything even when (y/n) had hit Mont-d-Or, everyone was wondering would the she kill the small woman now, that's what Katakuri's siblings were prepared for, some smirked finally happy they would be rid of the small girl, but what came out of Big moms mouth only put them in shock.

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