20. Too close

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Katakuri watched his mother and siblings waltz into his house, he didn't appreciate this, he probably didn't need to see the future to already know what this was about. As everyone made they're way inside, Oven was the last to enter he whispered something to him before making his way towards the others. "I didn't want to go through with this I'm sorry" Katakuri rolled his eyes, he didn't doubt that Oven really was sorry, but he didn't have time for this today. He had just made love to the woman who had his heart, he just wanted to rest with her in his arms. But it seemed like that wasn't going to happen because now he had to deal with this bullshit. Katakuri moved to take a seat by Oven waiting for his mother to speak up. "So Katakuri, we didn't interrupt your sleep did we?" That's not the only thing you interrupted. "No mama" unknown to him Oven was looking at him strangely, sniffing around, when he picked up the smell Oven made a face of disgust and then surprise. "Well then let's talk about this young lady you have been seeing" He knew it, Katakuri could already tell they were here to ruin his happiness once again. To bad for them that he wouldn't have it this time, he was really getting tired of this shit. "With all do respect mama your children around this table ruined any chance I even had with the woman after what they had done, so there is no reason to be here its too late shes done with me, you can ask Brûlée, I broke up with her at the hospital for her safety, and I'm still very upset about it so please get them out I have nothing to say to them, I already know that's the other reason your here to have us talk it out." Mama just pointed at the door, "Well there you have it children, your brother doesn't want to forgive you right now, although Katakuri family is more important than some random little girl get over it." Katakuri folded his arms and squeezed his hands tighter around his biceps, (y/n) was more than just some random woman to pass the time, but he couldn't let his mother know that, she wouldn't understand what it was like not to just use people that care about you. Just look at all the kids she had but not one husband in sight, she went through so many of them over his youth and even his adulthood that she was the last one he would take relationship advice from. All of them got up from the table and made they're way out, Katakuri couldn't believe this really was the level of petty of his family, they had brought their mother all the way to his island just to stop him from seeing one small and innocent woman. Oven was the last to leave once again and this time he laid a hand on his shoulder and gave a wiggle of the eyebrows. "We both know that we did interrupt something" Katakuri grew stiff, he couldn't believe that he had forgotten that he had just finished his round with (y/n), someone was bound to notice and it just had to be Oven. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me." Katakuri nodded but he only had a little faith that Oven would keep that promise. He locked the door and made his way back into the room, he had to tell (y/n) what had happen just in case they tried something else. As he made his way into the room (y/n) was wide awake with a deplorable look on her face. "What's wrong sweets."

You looked at him smiling a little at the cute nickname, but then your mind wanders back to earlier. You had tried to find out who was at the door so you put on a shirt of Katakuri's and snuck out and took a peak. It was his family, at first you were going to hide in the room again they were the last people you wanted to see. Plus his mother was here that woman was huge and you were not going to meet her ever, especially under these conditions. But before you made your way back you had heard everything big mom said, and everything Katakuri said. You weren't upset at Katakuri, he knew that he had to lie to protect you, and it's not like you weren't grateful for it you really didn't ever want to meet his mother, but what she had said it bothered you in some way, what kind of mother did Katakuri really have? Your original mother wasn't any better but you had gotten an angel of a new mother when you were adopted but Katakuri has had to deal with this woman for so long.

"I heard everything your mom said, and also what you said, Katakuri does your mother really not care if your happy or not." Katakuri looked away nodding he knew that if it was benefiting her then his mother would choose an arranged marriage rather than letting her children find true love any day. "We are her kids, she has all of us so she has people to do what she needs them to without being disloyal to her, she would always tell us she was our mother and our upmost loyalty is to her, she would arrange marriages benefiting herself before ever letting us find true love" The more Katakuri spoke the more you started to dislike his mother, honestly you had heard about big mom, always bullying and taking from other islands just for food, honestly you get she was a pirate but she was really going around killing thousands of people just for food. And you also heard about her food tantrums how she would go on rampage until she got what she wanted to eat, you had even heard about her killing one of her own kids after they had tried to stop her. This woman was bat shit crazy and didn't deserve to be a mom I bet if they weren't so afraid someone would have called child services on her ass a long time ago every time she had a child. But you weren't going to tell Katakuri that, even though he was upset about the situation, you knew you could never bad talk his mother, not only would he not stand for it but honestly it was rude to do it to in front of his face. So all the angry thoughts you had would continue to stay in your mind, unless he asked for your opinion of course.

"Well enough about them, what do you wanna do now"

"How about we go head to my house, then we can make snacks and watch TV on my snail, plus ill make you some special doughnuts" Katakuri raised a brow at you probably wondering what you meant by watching TV on your snail. You would have to explain to him about your parents being loaded. As you and Katakuri made your way to your house you had explained to him more about your childhood, he didn't say a word until you were finished, just looking at you with unreadable eyes. "And that's everything" "I'm glad you had wonderful people find you, they raised an amazing woman, but do you ever think about your real parents and how they're doing" You shook your head furiously "No and if i do Its only negative thoughts, I could never respect people who leave they're kids to fend for themselves like that. They're are people who can't have kids who would give anything to have the opportunity to even have even one child only once. Then you have horrible people who leave they're kids, don't take care of them, don't give them any type of love or love one more than the other. You laid down and had children so what's the point of neglecting them, they didn't ask to be here! What kind of monster do you have to be to neglect your own child, to hurt them, abusing them for no reason at all, they depend on you from the moment they're born and you treat them like nothing but dirt or strangers" And at this point you had tears coming out of your eyes, talking about your parents made you so angry, how could people be so cruel just leaving a child to die in a house all alone. Katakuri picked you up wrapping his arms around your small frame hugging you tightly in his chest. You let out your tears all over his chest while he softly caressed your hair leaning down to place a sweet long kiss on your forehead.

You had been through so much as a child, and yet you had gotten a lot back in life, yet the past still haunted you. He couldnt help but think how strong you were, you had a terrible childhood with shitty parents and horrible relationships, just to end up with with amazing parents, and somehow ended up in his life. Katakuri couldn't be anymore grateful that such a sweet woman like you had came in his life, he would never regret giving you his heart. Hearing everything you said if he wasn't upset much with his siblings before he was as angry as the day he was when he found out they hurt you, he wouldn't let anyone dare to harm you again. You had been through so much and he refuse to let you be unhappy, he had took away your smile once, he wouldn't dare do it again let alone let anyone else do it.  "Shhh don't cry sweets, you have wonderful parents now that love you right and you have me to love you as well so don't cry over them they don't deserve your tears."

You gave a slight nod grateful that he was there to comfort you. Honestly you couldn't wait for Katakuri to meet your parents one day, they would love him. "Let's go to bed yeah" Giving another nod you fell asleep on Katakuri's chest while he held you close.

The next morning Katakuri had walked you to work, he couldn't stay today his mother had business for him to do today, but now after walking you to work he was super late. You had told him to rush and not bother to see you off to work, the last thing you wanted was his crazy mother to be upset with him. After giving your face a quick pinch he was on his way off. Katakuri didn't show that much affection in public but you knew what he meant with his weird little gestures.

Katakuri didn't tell you but he was still worried about letting you stay alone half the time, he still dint know if his family would be up to something. That was the last thing he needed right now, not wanting to be more late than he already was he made his way to the whole cake chateau as quickly as he could, when he finally did make it everyone looked at him with puzzled eyes and so did he. He wasn't told that this would be a meeting, but he ignored they're eyes taking a seat next to Oven. "Katakuri finally you made it next time hurry up, I won't tell you again about keeping me waiting." Katakuri did nothing but nod, all of a sudden Zeus flew in the window. "Ah there you are Zeus never mind ever ones here", Zeus just nodded but whispering something into mama's ear. She gave a look but didn't say anything about it, after the meeting Big mom thought about what Zeus had told her. "Mama I saw Katakuri with some woman by a cafe he wasn't by the cake chateau when I was trying to find him". If Katakuri thought he could just lie to her about that little toy he had he was surly mistaken, she was about to find out who this little girl was. And put a end to it.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara