30.The door

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You woke up feeling large strong hands caressing you and honestly you weren't surprised by it one bit. Katakuri has never kept his hands to himself for long always finding some type of way to touch you. You quiver as the hand on your breast squeezes you lightly, you turned around to see Katakuri still asleep. A deep blush ran across your face burning your cheeks, even when he's sleep it seems like he couldn't control it either. Twisting slightly trying to remove yourself from the giant man behind you his hand finally moved enough for you to slip from underneath him. Unfortunately you were close to the edge of the bed, and you fell straight face flat to the floor. Katakuri rose up from his deep sleep trying to see what the hard loud noise was, he saw that you were missing and before he could step onto the floor you made a loud growing noise. Katakuri looked down at you laid out flat on the floor, he sighed in relief if you didn't make any noise he would have probably crushed you. Maybe even more than that, Katakuri honestly was ready to jump out of the bed with a large stomp and run out of the room, that's how startled he was by the noise.

"Baby I don't want to alarm you but I almost took your life so get off the floor"

Yet all he got in return was more mumbling, Katakuri rolled his eyes and picked you up of the floor and sitting you on his lap

"Wanna explain to me why your forehead looks like its been through rough times?"

"Wanna explain to me why a grown man can't even eat broccoli"

And with that remark Katakuri dropped you onto the ground once again heading towards the bathroom getting ready to start his day. You crossed your arms pouring, he didn't have to drop you like that, so much for being a loving boyfriend. Making your way to the bathroom you decided to soak in the bath instead of joining Katakuri in the shower. Not only were you still kinda upset with him for dropping you, but you also just wanted to relax and soak in the  giant tub that made you feel like a mermaid. After a while you and Katakuri got out and got dressed and while he was heading to the kitchen you headed towards the door making the large male raise a eyebrow at you.

"Were are you going?"

"To check up on Jun I haven't seen him in a while plus I want my parents to meet him"

Katakuri rolled his eyes at this, he knew if he said it out loud that you would get upset but he honesty forgot about the boy. But never the less Katakuri made no moves to stop you nor let you go alone.

"I'm going to"

You gave him a puzzling look surprised that he wanted to go with you considering he doesn't like Jun like that, but you didn't reject his decision, he had helped you get Jun to safety when he needed help. You walked over to hug the larger mans leg and he just cocked his head to the side looking at you. That moment you couldn't help but let a smile creep onto your face he looked so cute.

"Thanks Kata-kun your the best"

"Thanks Kata-kun your the best"

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"And your amazing"

You blushed and looked away as quick as you could, that's what you were talking about. Just seeing Katakuri making faces like that always made your heart race like it was going to burst out of your chest. Every one saw a big scary man who could kill them, while you saw a giant teddy bear who you loved and just wanted to cuddle all day. Honestly something had been on your mind lately, Katakuri was obviously a great guy, so how is it that he never had any girlfriends before now. Later when the both of you returned home you would ask him about it, but in the back of your mind you were actually happy to be his first just like he was yours. The both of you made it towards your parents room picking them up and made your way out to the seducing woods. Kotaro took his new favorite place right on Katakuri's head, that would always be the cutest thing ever. You blushed thinking what a great dad Katakuri would be, you wondered if the both of you would ever have kids. You all finally arrived at Brulee's house you were so excited to see how Jun was doing, you had so much to gossip to him about. You made your way on the inside seeing Jun, Burlee and Pudding all on the couch. You ran up hugging each and every one of them and introducing your parents. You notice Ryuuichi staring at Pudding with a light blush on his face, you smirked honestly excited to see were this was going to go. Pudding had he hair down in the back but her bangs in a high pony tail so you could see her third eye.

Pudding then noticed and started to glare at Ryuuichi, he looked away quickly embarrassed that he had gotten caught

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Pudding then noticed and started to glare at Ryuuichi, he looked away quickly embarrassed that he had gotten caught.

" What are you staring at!"

"It's just your really, really pretty, your eyes are beautiful"

Pudding gasped, her face covered in a deep red blush, she shook her head glaring at him again.

"So what! Your cute too! Do you see me just going around telling you, just shut up and take the tea! Call me cute again if that's what you want but I won't thank you!"

Kotarou removed himself from Katakuri's head and went to stand in front of pudding. He made grabbing motions with his hands so pudding picked him up, and Kotarou moved his arm to put his hand on puddings forehead next to her third eye.

"Pudding Pretty"

"You-You're lucky that your cute, so I don't mind being called pretty by you."

Pudding held Kotarou close to her chest cuddling the boy who just blushed at the  attention he was getting.

Katakuri raised his eyebrows at Ryuuichi honestly if the boy had some type of crush on pudding he would have to have a talk to him about it. Not that he didn't think that Ryuichi wasn't a great boy he was honestly everything he wanted his younger sister to have in a boyfriend. But he knew Ryuuichi was a kind boy with a big heart, he would hate for him to get involved and stuck in his family. Honestly he still hated the fact that (y/n) was stuck with his family while being with him, that's why he wants to move you as far away as he can from them.

Katakuri thought about how he should get all his family and you together to talk things out. They needed to apologize, and everything need to be layed out on the table, he didn't want you to live with him like you were trapped. He wanted you to feel comfortable around his family even if it was a little bit.

"(Y/n) what would you say to me bringing my siblings together to apologize to you and Jun, then you all can get to know each other better, so all the air can be cleared."

You stopped and looked at him and saw that everyone else was looking at you to see what your reaction was going to be.

"You had me at them apologizing, but me talking it out with them and getting to know them yea it's a know for me"

"Common (y/n) who knows you and some of my siblings may even get along when everything laid out on the table"

"Katakuri, the door, im going to need you to use it"

"Well I'm sorry to hear your say that, because, I invited them over for an intervinsion"

You stopped and gave him a look and rested your palm on your face.

He's not gonna get any type of action later

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now