27. Excuses Excuses

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Hope you guys enjoy vote and please comment I love to see your reactions and here your what you think

Everyone was getting along fine, honestly your parents loved Katakuri and you couldn't be more happy. Ryuichi was getting more out of his comfort zone, and Kotarou was snuggling up to Katakuri like he was before earlier. You were such a proud girlfriend in this moment, Katakuri was being social and a gentleman. Honestly you could never tell what was up with Katakuri most of the time, but now it was times like these when you were grateful for that. Getting to see all of these different sides of him, learning his likes and dislikes that he didn't even bring up, just him being his true self. You had always thought you were seeing Katakuri for who he was when the two of you were alone, but now you see a whole new side to him. And you felt like right now in this moment, Katakuri felt the same as you did, he was being himself around others and it felt good.

You could see Kotarou snuggling into Katakuri's scarf but in reality he was moving under it. You had to stop him, you don't know if Katakuri would even be comfortable anymore if his face was revealed in front of everyone. You jumped up from your seat startling everyone, while trying to move forward you tripped over something making you fall flat on your face. Your parents moved up to help you but you were more focused on Kotaro. What if Katakuri panicked like he did the last time. You would hate for him to hurt someone after it was going so well, the last thing you needed was for your parents to think less of Katakuri. You had looked down to see what you had tripped over and it was Hinata. 

"What are you doing here, weren't you supposed to be going back to the ship?"

"I wanted to know my nee-chan"

That honestly left you speechless, you didn't think he heard anything good about you let alone heard about you in general. He must be different from his father, and you were really happy honestly, it made you sigh in relief knowing he hasn't been corrupted by them.

Before you could answer, you saw Katakuri's scarf fall right on to the floor. Time seemed to stop for you in that moment but all you could notice was the faint panic in Katakuri's eyes. Kotaro was still holding on to him by his neck, just staring at him. Your parents and Ryuuichi didn't say a word as well, nor did they have and expression on there face. This was bad, you couldn't read the mood and you don't know what to say or who to speak to first.


Kotarou was rubbing his tiny hands on Katakuri's scars,  smiling at him.

"Ka-chan, mato"

Kotarou was trying to feed Katakuri a cherry tomato, that must be why he was moving under his scarf. The boy has always been generous and tended to share his things with the ones he cares about. It was honestly the cutest sight you had ever seen, but what worried you the most is that Katakuri made no sudden movements to even acknowledge the boy.

"Woaahh your teeth are cool, I want some, nee-chan how did he get them like that I wanna do it too."

"Hinata he may have been born like that, so I don't believe you can get any"

"Glad you finally showed your face son, in a family there's no need to hide yourself"

"Katakuri-kun I'm sorry Kotaro did that, he really likes to share so I guess he just wanted to feed you sense you weren't eating with us"

You looked at everyone giving a big smile, everyone's reactions made you so happy. You knew how insecure Katakuri was when it came to his mouth. Especially when he had to show it to others, you knew that he would always assume the worst if people ever got the chance to see him. But hearing your family not only not even bring up his fangs but also choosing to treat him the same as before made you feel secure. You knew your family wasn't judgmental or rude towards others, but that's exactly what Katakuri was used to judge mental and cruel people. But now you knew that it  just wasn't you who felt relieved, so did Katakuri who finally opened his mouth to let Kotaro feed him.

Finding his happiness (Charlotte Katakuri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now