>Chapter 5

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ye, i deleted my other book...
As the infamous Crow roamed the streets, he stretched out his big wings that represented the darkness.

He swept away the facilities and objects in his way, laughing all the while.

He saw a little kid running, and thought it would be fun to take a hold of it and keep him captivity until some pros arrive.

Sooner or later, Eraserhead's team came across the burning streets with the Crow standing in the middle, holding a little kid.

"Ah!! You've came, Present Mic, Eraserhead!! I've been dying to meet you again!!"
Y/N shouted as he held the kid tighter.

"Let the kid go!!" Eraserhead tried to bargain with him.

"Dear dear Eraser, I ain't no shop owner, I'm not here to bargain!! I'm here for the sake of being a villain!!" Y/N chuckled as he breaks one of the kid's fingers, causing the kid to scream in agony.

The heroes hated this!! being so useless while watching civilians getting tortured and killed, one by one.

"YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" The voice hero yelled out at the winged man, despite the kid being near him.

Y/N noticed before the shout that Present mic inhaled quite a large breath, so he quickly used his wings to shield him against the ear bursting noise.

"Tsk tsk tsk!! You're gonna hurt the kid,
HE-RO!!" As he broke another of the kid's fingers.

"Stop it this instance!! The kid is innocent!"
Eraserhead shouted at the villain.

"What is innocence? What is kindness? Do you even know what 'Protection' means? And you all, hero-wannabes, always wanted to 'protect' people by killing people." Y/N's smile darkened in his mask, an angry aura radiating off him.

Y/N held the kid's throat in hand, despite the protests and shouts from the heroes.


Y/N dropped the kid and groaned in pain
"UGH!!" He looked up to see Eraserhead, cracked his fibula (calf bone).

"Crow, you have to take better look at your surroun-"
Before he could finish the sentence, The beat of the Crow's fiery black wings took the man away from the hero.

"I do take attantion of my surroundings."
the Crow replied, clutching his calf and used his other ability to heal it as quick as possible.

'He could heal? How many more quirks does he have?' Eraserhead thought, while staring at the man in the sky

"Well, it's getting rather messy here, so why dont we take this fight in the future? I'll see you then." With that, the Crow took off and flew into the starry night sky.
Morning soon came, people who were hiding also came out of hiding and see the tired heroes.

The heroes slowly approached the limp body of a kid on the floor.
The little boy, luckily is still alive, but he sure broke a lot of bones...

"Tch.." Hizashi clicked his tongue and carried the small kid.
Eraserhead followed him to the ambulance.
"We're going to follow the kid to ensure its safety."

The police and ambulance agreed for the two to follow them on the bus and watch over the child.
"Kid... I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you.."
Hizashi said, feeling the kid's forehead.

"H-hm?" The little kid slowly opened his (E/C) eyes.
"You're awake!! I'm glad!!"
Hizashi looked at him.

"I dont need help. Get off of me..."
The small boy clutched his broken bones and slowly but noticeably, arranged themselves back in place.

The kid stoped up, opened the door of the ambulance, despite the heroes' and drivers' protests.

"Goodbye... H E R O E S."
And then he jumped out of the car.

"KID!!" Hizashi ran after the kid, but he was gone, leaving a single piece of note of the ambulance bed.

"I'm not who you think I am, I am NOT A WEAKLING. I dont need saving, especially when you've hurt my family and friends.
Eraserhead, Present mic."

"Shota!! What does this mean!!!"
Hizashi grew anxious and a little helpless.

"It means... the boy is a villain, and is related to the Crow in some way..."
Shota replied, his eyes wider than usual.
'And there I thought the kid was actually in danger..'
Meanwhile in the villain hideout:::
"Y/N-nii san!!" A little boy's voice rang throughout the small area.

"Chiya!!" Y/N ran down from the stairs and hugged the small boy, kneeling down.

"Chiya, I'm so sorry for leaving you behind and hurting you..."

"It's okay, Nii-san!! You know I dont feel pain!! Although it's quite troublesome to wake up, finding myself in an ambulance with two heroes..."

"Sorry Chiya!! I'll treat you to ice cream!!"


"Tomura-chan, need anything from the stores?"

"Get me nail clippers, Father is jabbing me in the forehead."

"Hah, okay."
And with that said, Chiya, wore a bandana, covering his face and walked off with a civilian Y/N.

When Y/N and Chiya walked the streets, it feels like someone is watching him all the time.

"Y/N nii-san... I... feel uncomfortable."
Chiya squirmed and tug at Y/N's sleeve.

"I know... deal with it for a while, we will have to act normal..." Y/N said, now carrying Chiya on his shoulders.

As they bought everything, the feeling of being watched only grew more intense.

"Chiya, we'll go the other direction."
Y/N whispered protectively and he nodded.

When they were walking the exact opposite direction, somebody patted the kid's shoulder.

"Hey kid, weren't you..."
It's Hizashi...

Chiya's expression grew nervous as he held
Y/N's head closely, trembling.

"Now now, Chi-chan. Dont be scared, it's merely a civilian!" Y/N slowly turned around with a close eyed smile.

"Y/N!! What're you doing here?? The kid..."
Hizashi's expression changed as he came to realize, the blood on Y/N's boots... were the exact position as the ones on the Crow.

"Y/N... What-"
Before he could finish, Y/N is gone.

Hizashi had thought of the possibilitybefore, but he never believed himself.
But knowing that even though Y/N changed, he still had the tendency to reveal whatever he's done to others.

The day finally came, when Aizawa had all his bandages off.
"Zashi, Yagi, Nemuri, Hirooki, We have to get this ocer with, quickly."

the five teachers, walked to same willow tree where a lot of things in the past took place.
They sat around the tree, waiting, hopefully, wishing that Y/N has forgiven them.

A strong gust of wind came blowing at the tree, the five grew confused
Feathers, black feathers, blew everywhere.

Shota, understanding a little, stood up and prepared for the attack.
"L/N, come out!!"

A deep belly chuckle was heard, before the tall man dangled himself down from on top of the tree.
"Well observed, Eraserhead."

The four other males were shocked...
Their theory, although they didn't want to believe this, was correct...

Y/N... was the Crow, all along...
Okay lets cut the crap... I'm kinda running out of ideas... so it'd be great to see some of your ideas (if you have ofc..)

I'd still write this book if I got some ideas, but it might take a while..

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