Cant Forget

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I never forgot about you, I just didn't know what to say. You say a phone works both ways but I've texted you a couple times and haven't gotten a response. Maybe you got a new number. I hate repeatingly texting someone who won't message me back cause I feel like a bother. There's no way in hell I can forget about you, you seriously think I could ever forget someone as beautiful as you? What the fuck man. I can never forget someone as important to me as you. I read your story a few days ago, like 5 to be exact, I think, but I thought it was pointless to keep writing these back and forth if it wasn't going to change anything. If it wasn't going to let me see you, even as just friends, or maybe have you somehow change your mind about me and try new adventures, then I thought it was pointless to keep writing if my days are still going to continue how they are. I know you say I'm needed here, but it feels like you don't even need me anymore. I go like one of your posts you've shared on Facebook just to let you know I'm still around because i don't want to keep texting you and not getting a response back anymore. You don't understand what I'd do just to see you smile and be happy, but you got your bestfriend and your boyfriend who can do the same things as me I feel like. It seems as if, you really don't need me anymore. Cause that's how it feels. Maybe I just care too much about you and I shouldn't care as much about anyone or anything, cause I never cared about anyone as much as I did for you. I miss you, but I'm just too afraid to message you repeatedly with no response, and I'm slowly just losing interest in everything. I hope your Sunday is going well, even if you probably work it like I do everyday.
Please just message me, you don't know what it'd do for me,

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