Chapter 10

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I wasn't sure what I was going to wear.

Hell, I don't know what I'm going to wear half the time.

But tonight was a harder decision then on most days. I didn't know why, but I didn't like any of the clothes that I had in my wardrobe. Everything either looked bland, old, or both.

Eventually I settled down with a pair of nice jeans, a casual top with an open jacket over it and plain but stylish shoes. I wasn't one for being big on the whole "style" concept. Apparently my view on what fashion was, was very different to other people.

But then again I had never had someone properly agree with my opinion.

I stepped out of my dorm room with my phone and wallet firmly palmed in my hand as I shoved the key deeply into my pocket. I made my way down to the front doors where Yoongi was waiting outside with a hoodie and mask pulled up over his face, I only recognised him because of the stance. If it wasn't for that I would've believed he was a total stranger.

When the glass doors slid open, I barely met his eyes through that thick fringe of his as he raised his head toward my direction.

"Hey.." He said through his mask, turning his phone off and placing it into his pocket.

"Hey." I replied with a small grin before looking off to the side before raising my hood up to my head.

"Sorry for looking so menacing, but I just don't want anyone to see me out in public when I'm trying to have private time." Yoongi explained and I help up my hand while shaking my head.

"Yoongs I don't need an explaination. I really don't mind. You're safety and privacy is important. So, let's go and get that drink." I encouraged as I gently punched his shoulder. Yoongi let out a chuckle before walking down the path with me beside him.

                              -     -     -     -

"You look good by the way." Yoongi said once we were seated in the private section.

Yoongi walked into the bar, showed the attendee a card, and suddenly we were whisked to the back of the room where the VIP section was hidden behind a pair of buff body guards.

I smiled to him as I ran my index finger against the brim of my glass while looking down at my drink.

"Thanks, I didn't try to hard, but thanks."

Yoongi pulled down his hood and mask as he was in privacy and gave me a small grin. "You know I think you need to give yourself a bit more credit. You are..." Yoongi raised his glass to his lips before clearing his throat, "naturally very pretty" and took a long swig of the bitter scotch.

I sighed while taking a deeper skull of the whole glass as I slammed it back down on the table, sending a horrid noise to arise from the ice clinking against the glasse's surface as I tried to distract myself from the burning sensation now becoming in my throat.

"Yoongi I have a question for you," I rasped out before clearing my throat, "because you've been an idol for longer than I have. I want some advice."

Yoongi tapped his finger on the table which signalled the bartender to bring over another round of drinks before settling his arms against the hard surface and directing his attention toward me.

"Preach." He replied which a glint over his eyes as he rolled his tongue over his bottom lip to moisturise its surface.

"How do you go and visit your family? Do you have time to?" I asked and moved my arms back as the bartender placed down our drinks before walking away as silently as he arrived.

Yoongi grasped the glass in front of him, his gaze locked into the glass which made his eyebrows flick for a moment before he looked up to meet my glance.

"Once you've released your album it's going to be near impossible for you to see your family. I haven't seen mine in about a year- maybe even longer," he sighed in frustration before shaking his head and holding the glass up to his lips, "being an idol is fucking unfair sometimes."

I watched as he sipped before looking down to my own drink with an irritated twitch.

"I'm pretty sure my mother is dying," I stayed firmly as I clutched my grip on the glass with a frustrated glare at the scorching liquid, "and I won't be able to go and see her-"

"Yes you can." Yoongi said as he dropped his empty glass while leaning back in his seat with a mischievous smirk, "I can take you there right now. We can be there by morning for sure. I'm not going to let you sit there and say you can't go when you have an open opportunity sitting right in front of you."

I found a smirk dancing across my lips as I downed my second glass and placed it back down on the table. Suddenly the burning taste was beareable.

"Then shall we go Min Yoongi?" I asked as I stood up and flipped the hood up over Yoongi's head for him while he pulled up his mask.

"We shall Hong (Y/N)." He replied as we both left the bar and swiftly made our way back to BigHit.

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