Chapter 25

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"A Tour? Now? How long will you be gone?" I asked Yoongi as he stood at the end of my bed while he brushed his fingers against my bedpost.

"It's only for five days. We are just going around South Korea. It isn't anything extravagant and I won't be gone for months or anything. I'll be back before you know it." He said.

I looked up into his eyes and saw that he was excited about the tour. At that moment I felt like I was bringing him down just because I didn't want him to leave me alone. But it is his career that I have to think about, my social life isn't as important as his performances are.

"I know," I said quietly as I stood up from my bed and walked over to his side as I gently took his hands into my own with a soft grin, "it's just strange to me. I've never been without you in all the time I've been here so not being able to see you will be so queer."

Yoongi didn't smile, his eyes were pointed to our hands as he kept them laced together.

"I overheard that they want you to make a start on your first official album the day I leave. Which doesn't make me very confident because I know that you can't handle stress well at all," he looked up to my eyes, "you have to promise me that you'll be taking breaks."

I stood still as I thought about how badly I coped with the stress of my debut album. To think that I was about to make my offical album was a bit scary, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't, and who knows how many songs I'd had to write this time- how long I may have to stay in the studio to complete songs.

Even though Yoongi had asked me to promise him, I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to keep my side of the promise. As much as I wanted to I knew that I wouldn't be able to.

"I promise." I told him, despite the speculations in my mind at the time. I didn't want to take his mind off of his task. He needed to be focused so he could deliver a wonderful performance.

It was a few Korean concerts for 'Tear' and I was so proud of him for managing to get everything done within the tight schedule that he had. Recently the group has been going to many interviews and have been recording episodes for V-live. He has been working so hard but still manages to save time to hang out with me.

"I wanted to stop buy and tell you before I went to practice. I'm not sure if I'll be out in time to come and see you again but if I'm not I hope you get to sleep early and eat a full meal."

His lips pressed against my own for a short moment before he pulled away and left the room. As I heard the door shut I sighed as I turned to my window and looked out across the rise and fall of the buildings in front of me as I thought.

I thought about what I could do in this album that could differ myself as an artist. Something that didn't put me in a genre and didn't make me sound like a normal wannabe rapper. I wanted to be something more.

Then I remembered the hospital when my mother had passed away. The little boy who recognised me, the one who's mother was in a very bad condition at the time.

I'm not sure what triggered such a memory but I was quick to rise up on it as I quickly grabbed my keys and left my room as I headed for my car. The thought that he may be gone haunted me and I wasn't sure of what I was going to do if he wasn't there.

I wasn't entirely sure what I was even going there for in the first place. Ever since I had met the boy he left a mark on me that I could never erase. Maybe it was his stunning and inprintable eyes that I would never forget.

Or perhaps it was because I saw a little bit of myself within him. The small child who took on more than they needed to at such a young age.


The name echoed through my mind in a familiar way. It sounded like a voice that wasn't my own- yet it still gave me comfort with the short name it had spoke.

As I drove out of the parking lot I made my way to the hospital where I had met Ji-ho and prayed. I wasn't sure why I was praying, or what I was praying for, considering that I didn't think of myself as religious whatsoever.

But I prayed that his mother was in good health and that Ji-ho was safe. I prayed that the little boy who had given me strength in a time of crisis, even though he already had enough on his mind, was safe.

I parked in the hospital car park with a ball of anxiety rising into my throat from the pit of my stomach.

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