Chapter 26

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I stepped into the hospital and headed towards the front desk as I began to pepper the receptionist with questions. I was determined to find the boy that I was so set on seeing again.

The receptionists face seemed to sadden once she heard the name and she shook her head.

"I'm sorry but his mother, who was the patient in question, had passed away in her sleep a few days ago." She wet her lips as if she was trying to not cry.

I gripped onto the counter and gritted my teeth as I slumped my shoulders. I couldn't imagine what world of pain Ji-ho had gone through when he went to see his dearest mother again- to only find an empty bed. He would've been so confused and scared. So lonely..

"Please. You have to tell me where he is now. It's desperately urgent. Did he go with his father?" I asked the receptionist and she quickly grabbed a piece of paper as she read it over.

"No I think he was taken to an orphanage. His father doesn't appear to be on his records. I can give you the address of the orphanage if that would help?" She asked me as I nodded my head to confirm. She quickly grabbed a sticky note and scribbled the address of the orphanage onto the paper as she handed it to me and wished me luck.

- - -

Luck had nothing to do with it, the Gods fated it.

I pulled up out the front of the orphanage and quickly stepped out of the car and practically ran into the building. It wasn't a bad place, but it smelt like strong disinfectant.

It was like being in a germ free hospital. Everything smelt so overpowering as I made my way to the front desk.

As I spoke with the front desk he told me that a Ji-ho had been dropped off and that he wasn't doing very good at all.

"He won't eat much or play with the other children. He has so many nightmares that it is starting to keep the other children awake as well." He told me, almost sounded like he detested the child.

I slammed my palm against the desk as I glared at him, "what do you expect? The kid had probably seen his mother die after a long and miserable battle with her disease. Of course he is going to be a mess. Wouldn't you? If you had to see something that horrible at such a young age?"

The male thought for a moment as he looked at my face- searching for answers to match his questions. He ended up shrugging his shoulders as he placed Ji-ho's folder down.

"Of course. Poor child. I must've sounded so heartless. My dearest apologies," he paused as he peeked his head down a hallway, "but I do believe that Ji-ho has a potential adoptive parent at this current point in time."

My fists clenched as I feared for the worst. I knew exactly who it was. I had pieced it together as I was driving towards the orphanage from the hospital.

"I'm going in." I stated before I walked down the hall and looked for any sign of Ji-ho at all. Anything that would give me a answer to where he might be at this moment before it was too late for me to get to him.

I ended up jogging into the gardens out the back of the building where I saw many children running around with one another and playing all different types of games with one another.

And that's when I saw the both of them sitting on an old wooden bench that was slowly aging with each day that it had to sit underneath the oak tree.

As I approached them I crossed my arms and waited for Ji-ho to recognise me before the other person beside him did. I heard a chuckle from the person sitting beside Ji-ho as he turned around and looked at me with a smirk. This made my gut boil with anger.

"You get away from Ji-ho right now you pitiful excuse of a father." I snapped, grasping the attention of Ji-ho as he sat up straight and quickly ran over to my side with a little slick of fear in his eyes as he grasped into my shirt and hid his face.

"Why (Y/N), aren't you going to leave me and my son to bond. I haven't seen him since he was a baby." My father's sick smile made me want to punch him in the mouth right then and there. But I didn't want to scar Ji-ho with such a trauma.

"Proves how little you care. I saw how much he looked like you before you probably did. He is my little brother isn't he? Tell me father, tell me that you had another child." I said as I let a hand sit upon
Ji-ho's head. The small and fragile boy had remained so quiet since he had clutched my side with his face hidden. It was if he had felt safe.

"You probably have a lot more siblings," he said with eyes full of emptiness. There was no sympathy or empathy crossing over his being, "this one just happens to have lost his mother. So obviously I was coming to collect him-"

"You're crazy if you think I'm letting you take Ji-ho and try to raise him. He needs a real parent, not someone as pathetic as you." I sneered as I grasped hold of Ji-ho's hand and began to walk away from the practical stranger.

"And what are you going to do? Adopt him? You can't do that." My father growled as if his plans were becoming foiled. I suspected that this would be the reaction I would get from him as I began to walk away.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked down to Ji-ho as he willingly held onto my hand and walked along by my side.

"I've got full custody of Ji-ho. And I'll be the parent that you never were." I called back over my shoulder to the evil human.

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