Book 3 - Fate Interwined

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Here comes a new OS

Well, guys, I can expect 100+ likes for every OS, isn't it... Chalo itna toh karlo yaar aur comment Karna bhi mat bulna....

Well, this OS is an emotional one.

A girl stepped out of her house with tears running down her cheeks; she was frantically rubbing her cheeks and was trying to inhale deep breaths to control herself. She looks at her home for the last time; she slipped out of her house when her parents and brother were sleeping. If you are thinking she is going to run away with her lover... No!!! She is not... She was holding a bag stuffed with some money she saved for herself and some clothes. Here is her flashback...

Annika is the eldest child of her parents and princess of grandparents. She was the eldest grandchild from the paternal side; her father was a single son, while from the maternal side, her mother had a sister whose eldest son is younger than her and her favorite cousin. Annika loved athletic, she wanted to run for her country, but her parents never motivated her; she played for her school but had to give up soon when she was down with an internal infection, which affected her life a lot which made her marks go down in that particular year. She is still suffering from its side effects. She is a strong girl who raises her voice and questions others' decisions for her. She passed 12 standards with above 80%, but that was the first time she noticed her father's strange behavior when he came to pick her up from Railway Station; he ignored her, it hurt her, but she remained silent. Later on, her father ignored her, taunting her for her studies; even though her marks are good, she is still mocked. She was getting demotivated; her studies were an integral part of life. When someone questions it, she felt as if someone is questioning her character. She was broken when she realized her father doesn't trust her. It broke her day by day, and she kept asking herself why her father don't trust her when she loves him more than anyone. Annika is a girl who loves to write. When she told her parents she wrote a book and got a good response, he lashed out at her instead of appreciating it. She was shocked; she was feeling lonely. She always kept secrets to herself. She was a broken girl whose friends already broke her by using her good nature. The persons she trusted in her life left her alone when she needed their presence; still, she kept mum and never told her parents the turmoil in her life. She wept in her bed silently at night. Fights started to break in with her parents; her parents started abusing her and bashing her; maybe it's an instant reaction of parents when they get angry. Still, they should know their words pierces like swords in others' hearts and the wounds created are increasing day by day as they are rubbing salt on it, in place of ointment. The words she doesn't want to remember, the words make her always cry deep. Her parents always listen to society and ignore their daughter, and she questions herself, "If something happens tomorrow in my life when I am innocent, will my parents stand as wall f,r me," and her heart replies, "No." How astonishing it is for parents society matters, not their children with whom their happiness lies. Why parents choose society's words over children's innocence, her parents questioned her for raising her voice. If she raises her voice, she doesn't have manners and doesn't know how to behave. If she replies to someone sarcastically or voices out their wrong, she isn't a good girl. If she doesn't know cooking, then she will be a curse for her in-laws. She had enough; maybe she raises her voice, it doesn't mean she doesn't have a heart for others. If she corrects her parents or questions them, it doesn't mean she doesn't love them, and how can they say she doesn't love them and why she was born to them. These are personal problems. In addition to her educational issues, she wants to study for her college and her competitive exams; she wants to become an IAS officer. But she can't study properly when she is already broken inside; she kept saying to herself their words shouldn't matter to her, but it matters; after all, they are her parents. If parents such awful words, does it mean she doesn't deserve anyone in the world? Parents who kept restrictions on everything never gave her freedom. A father who never bothered what's going on in her life, a mother who kept her around the kitchen but didn't see what her daughter was facing. The saddest part is her brother tried to assault her sexually. She stopped him in the first place, it's because of her confidence, she knows how to save her dignity well whom will you consider as your protector at this time your parents, she considered the same she confronted her parents, but they denied to believe her and said: "She is bluffing." What to say she was beyond speechless, why would she lie such a thing to her parents?

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