Six|| Take Your Time

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Colton's old red and white Silverado had taken residency in Landon's usual spot. Stepping out of the confinement of the high school, I wasn't thrilled to find that my brother's old Charger was nowhere to be found. In the spot he'd spent the last four years picking me up-along the curb at the entrance of the school-stood Colton with his eyes trained on the football field.

By the slight tension across his shoulders and the distant look in his usually kind blue eyes, I couldn't get a good reading on him. It was hard to figure out whether he was reminiscing or glad to be rid of the palce. For guys like my brother and Colton, high school were the glory days. Always at the top of the food chain and walking the halls like celebrities on a red carpet, years from now they'll lay back and bask in the memories of their high school life.

My footsteps drew his attention from the field to me. He straightened a bit, dropping his arms to his sides as I cautiously approached him, careful to keep a safe distance between us.

"Where's Landon?" I questioned.

Colton gasped dramatically, feigning hurt and resting his right palm of his heart for added effect. "He had some issues with his car, sent me to pick you up. Is that a problem?"

I shook my head, rubbing the nasty laceration on the side of my left hand. I'd had to keep a hold of it the last two periods, afraid it may start bleeding again. As of now, it looked as if it were going to bruise badly too. Colton, the observant person he is, noticed my quick action and closed the distance between us.

"What happened?" he asked. "Please tell me that's from punching some asshole in the face for hitting on you."

"I fell. Not a big deal." I lied.

Colton eyed me skeptically. "You expect me to believe that?"

"Colton, just drop it, okay? I'm fine."

Rather than stand and argue, he stepped aside and made a gesture toward the open passenger side door with one hand, scratching at the back of his neck with the other. I moved toward the car, my eyes drifting from the large gap between the ground and the seat.

"Sorry about not having a step-side. Landon's always on my ass about it." he muttered. I tossed my backpack in ahead of me, then grabbed a hold of the passenger assist handle, hoisting myself into the car with a quick, swift movement. Colton's hand lingered a little too close to the small of my back, earning a startled look out of me as I sat and averted my eyes.

"Please don't help me. I can do it myself."

I could see the startled expression cross his face at the comment in my peripheral. Last year he'd helped me into his truck every time I was forced to ride with the two of them anywhere my brother's car wouldn't be suitable. I wasn't sure if it was the quick, snappy remark that earned me the look, or the fact that I wanted him nowhere near me, but I'd never know because the second he opened his mouth, Kevin's obnoxious laugh echoed through the lot. I grasped the seat on either side of me, my breathing growing ragged and forced. Colton turned his head a fraction, sneering at the sound in disgust.

"That rich prick is still here?" Sure it was a rhetorical question, I sat silently, trying to focus on getting a full breath out as he shut the door in my face and walked around the car to get in. A shaky breath of relief escaped me as I rested my head back against the headrest. I pressed myself against my locked door once he was in, revving the engine with a weary side glance in his rearview to see Kevin's whereabouts. I yanked my hand back from where it rested on the clutch the moment his fingertips brushed against the top of it. He didn't seem to notice my reaction, and if he did, pretended he hadn't.

The Sound of Silence (Previously I Know What You Did Last Summer)Where stories live. Discover now