Chapter 6

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The next morning the house was reasonably quiet, as Lydia had agreed to get Tyler from the airport where he a had flown in from Los Angeles. Troye wasn't joining us until night time, when I had agreed to get him.

I got up and got ready for the meeting, taking a quick shower. Afterwards, I got dressed in a Mayday Parade t-shirt tucked into a pair of light wash high-waisted skinny jeans. I let my hair dry into its natural waves and quickly did my makeup. After grabbing my phone and leather jacket, I waited for Lydia and Tyler to get here.

The plan was to drop of Tyler's suitcases off here and go to get coffee before the meeting. I grabbed a banana for breakfast since I wasn't extremely hungry.

After a while, I heard the door open, and the next thing I knew, Tyler had pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Izzy!" He squealed, using my nickname. "I missed you so much!" He squeezed me even tighter, which I didn't even know was possible.

"I missed you two, Tyler. But you're stopping me from breathing!" I gasped for air as he loosened his strong grip.

"Sorry! And I hear you've been getting cosy with a certain Mr Irwin! Give me all the juicy details," He demanded rather than asked as we sat down at the couch. I told him all about how I met Ashton and Michael in the shop, and how I brought them back home. I told him about everything that had happened. In all honesty, when I thought about it, it all seemed fast, rushed.

"Do you think it was too quick, Tyler? I met him just over a week ago..." I trailed off, and he shook his head.

"No, honey! If he makes you happy, then time doesn't matter. As long as you're happy with him and enjoy your time with him!" He said enthusiastically, and I sighed a heavy sigh of relief.

"And what about you, Lyds!? Have you got anyone in your life at the moment!?" Tyler asked, turning to Lydia who had been quietly waiting while we spoke.

"She has a massive crush on Michael but won't admit it!" I gushed, causing a bright red blush to spread across her cheeks.

"I only just split with Connor a couple of weeks ago, so I don't know if I should be thinking about another relationship. Plus, he's out of my league, he would never like me in that way..." She trailed off, and Tyler and I both scoffed in unison.

"Trust me, he likes you too!" I smiled reassuringly.

"And, if you feel like you like Michael in that way, I don't see the problem. People have had successful relationships, that have started a lot sooner after a split than 2 weeks! I think you should go for it!" Tyler exclaimed, and I nodded along in agreement.

"I'll think about it, but at the moment, we need to go to this meeting!" Lydia smiled, and we all stood up, making our way to the car. Lydia drove us to the meeting, and as we drove, I checked my phone. There was text from Ashton, and I smiled as I opened it.

From: Ashton xxx

Hey babe! Just thought I'd text to say good morning! Can't wait to see your beautiful face later!

Awww, he is so sweet! I quickly typed a reply just as the car stopped and we got out.

The meeting was average, explaining our rooming details and destinations. We discussed what the shows would consist of. It was pretty boring, actually, and I zoned out for a while.

After a while, we were dismissed, and Lydia told me that her and Tyler were going back to the house. I said goodbye, and text Ashton.

Where do you want to meet up!? I've finished my meeting and I'm just outside the building now! xx

Not long after the message had sent, I received a reply. That's one of the things about Ashton I loved, he tested me back almost immediately.

Are you near the indoor shopping mall nearest to your house? I can meet you in there somewhere, if you want!?xx

To: Ashton xxx

Yeah, I'll meet you in Starbucks in about ten minutes! See ya soon! xx

The message sent and I started to walk in the direction of the nearest shopping mall. I knew these streets like the back of my hand.

Can't wait to see you, babe! xx

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