Chapter 27

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The next day, I woke up with my head on Ashton's chest. It was an amazing feeling, one that I would cherish after not having it in my life for what felt like an eternity.

As I shifted my face slightly to look at him, I saw he was already looking down at me, a lazy grin spreading across his face, probably matching the smile I was now wearing.

My smile soon faltered, however, as I remembered the phone call from Lydia. It felt like after all this fighting, Ashton and I were finally able to be together, only for it to be ripped from our grasp yet again.

"What's wrong, love?" Ashton asked, tucking the strand if hair behind my ear and shifting so he could look at me properly.

I didn't want to two him just yet, because he had only just gotten out of the hospital, and I didn't want him to stress out like I knew he would if he did know.

But I didn't want to lie to him. We had agreed that we would start a fresh, no secrets, no lies. So I was stuck in a dilemma, just letting the first thing I could think of slipping my mind.

"It's nothing," I sighed, playing with a lose curl of his hair that was offset and sticking out like a little antenna.

"I don't believe you, please tell me," He whispered, taking my free hand in his and intertwining our fingers. I looked down at our joined hands, my thumb tracing over the back of his.

"Management has told me I need to get back on the tour this week, or I'm dropped," I sighed, avoiding making eye contact with Ashton who had pulled me closer to him yet again.

Nothing was said, as I settled my head onto his chest again, feeling his heart beat beneath my cheek. I wished we could stay like this forever, wrapped up in each other and ignoring everything else around us.

"You should go," Ashton said an eternity later, breaking the silence between us and punctuating his statement with a swift kiss to my forehead.

"I don't want to leave you again," I replied quietly, barely able to hide the crack in my voice as I got a bit emotional.

"You need to. I'm not going to let you throw away your career for me," Ashton said as he caressed my cheek, his thumb wiping below my eye even though I was still holding the tears in.

"But what about us?" I replied, finally looking up into his beautiful hazel eyes.

"We'll be fine. The tour is finished in two weeks, and then you'll be back with Lydia, ok?" He asked quietly, and I nodded, settling back down onto his chest.

"Lets just stay like this for a bit, and I'll book the tickets later," I mumbled into his skin, placing a small kiss to it.


"So that's one late night ticket to LAX?" The booking man asked as I explained to him what I wanted.

"Yeah, please," I replied, looking over to Ash who gave me a silent thumbs up. I was currently booking a flight for as late as possible tonight so I could spend the maximum amount of time with Ashton.

"Ok, You just need to pick up your ticket when you arrive at the airport tonight, Miss Green," The operator replied, and I thanked him before hanging up and turning to Ashton again, as he held his arms open for me.

I gladly walked to him, wrapping my arms tightly around his torso and nuzzling my face deep into his chest, breathing in his welcoming scent.

"We have ten hours," I mumbled after a while, and I felt him nod, as he effortlessly picked me up and walked us over to the couch, setting me down on his lap as he sat down, and resting his head on my shoulder.

"So, what would you like to do, my little lady?" He asked, placing a kiss to the tip of my nose. I blushed slightly, shrugging. I didn't mind what we did, as long as we were together for these last hours.

"I don't mind," I replied, taking one of his large hands in mine and playing with it, my fingers tracing his weathered knuckles. I let a small smile appear on my lips as I watched the hairs raise on his arm at my touch.

"I think we should just have a lazy day," He sighed, and I nodded, glad that he had picked something that wouldn't be energy consuming. A lazy day with Ashton sounded close to perfect at the moment.

"Shall we watch Catching Fire first?" He asked, setting me down on the couch and walking over to the tv, holding up the DVD.

"Yeah," I replied softly, sinking deeper into the hoodie of his that I was currently wearing, breathing in his Ashy scent (A/N: don't judge, I was in study and couldn't think of the right word).


After many movies and bags of Rainbow Drops, we had to do what ever so we went back upstairs...

"Ready to leave for the airport?" Ash asked as we wiped each other off. I pulled my skinny jeans back on and finished getting dressed into his favourite hoodie I seemed to have adopted. It still smelt of his fruity shampoo he always used. A heavy feeling gathered in my stomach as we got closer to leaving each other again. I nodded in reply and pulled my hair into a pony tail so it wouldn't be in my face.

"What a way to say goodbye." I winked knowing it would make him laugh. I just needed to hear him laugh Ash's see him smile again before I knew we would both break down at check in where I would have to leave him again.

"That is only a taster of what will happen when we see each other again, little lady." His deep voice sent shivers down my spine when he wrapped his long homely arms around my waist again. "I'm going to miss you. So much." He finally admitted into my shoulder.

"I will never stop missing or loving you, we will be together again, curly." I said to reassure him or more myself. His hair tickled my neck and I couldn't help but shed a few tears I hoped he wouldn't notice.

"Don't cry." Ashton's voice cracked when he ran his soft thumb under my eyes to gather the tears away. Tears were forming in his own eye and it made more fall from mine. I couldn't stand seeing him in this way and it was all because I had to leave. Again.

"I can't help it." Waterfalls erupted from his hazel eyes when my voice cracked. It took everything inside of me not to cancel the flights but like he said I can't give up on my dreams.

"C'mon, taxis waiting," He mumbled, taking my hand and intertwining his long fingers with mine.


Thank you so much for nearly 3k! I didn't think people would actually like this book!

Megan x

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