Chapter 8

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We reached the airport and parked the car in an available space. I had seen on Twitter that some fans knew Troye was going to be flying in here, so I quickly slipped on some sunglasses, and Wahlah! I know looked like your average 19 year old! Ashton also slipped some sunglasses on, and we got out, walking into the large airport.

Since Troye's plane wasn't going to be landing for another twenty minutes, we decided to got to a little cafe and sit for a bit. Something seemed different with Ashton, I, being the nosy girl I am, was determined to find out what was wrong.

"So, is there anything I need to know about Troye?" Ashton muttered, practically spitting his name. Ahhh, someone's being a jellyfish!

"Nope!" I said popping the p. Ashton just nodded, but it was clear his mind was somewhere else. An announcement said that the plane had landed, so we stood up and made our way over to the terminal gates to get Troye.

"All luggage from Flight A37 from Perth has been collected." A lady's voice said over the tannoy about ten minutes later, so we got ready to see them. Ashton was still being distant, and it was quite annoying.

"Izzy, mah baby!" I heard Troye call and I laughed, waving him over. I was closest to Troye, whereas Lydia was closer to Tyler, so this arrangement worked.

"Troye!" I squealed as he pulled me into question massive hug. We pulled apart, and Troye looked towards Ashton, automatically recognizing him.

"Ashton, this is Troye! Troye, you know who Ashton is!" I giggled. Ashton decided to be civil and shook Troye's hand.

"What's wrong, Ash? You're acting weird..." I trailed off, and he looked down at me, his hazel eyes piercing through me.

"What's wrong, is you're going to leave me for Troye, because you've known him longer and you seem to be really close to him!" Ashton huffed, looking down at his feet. Troye and I looked at each other, before bursting out laughing.

Ashton shot us a very hurt look, and I knew I had to explain to him Troye's sexual orientation.

"Ash," I said, still chuckling, before continuing. "Troye's gay!" A massive look if relief flooded onto his adorable face, and he pulled me into a massive hug.

We walked back to Ashton's car, and the boys were chatting away, getting to know each other. It was sweet that Ashton worried like that, but there was no way on this earth that I would leave him for someone else. I'm not like that, and I really like Ashton.

Once we had gotten Troye's suitcases into the boot of the car, Troye got in the back behind Ashton so that I could still turn around any talk to him from the front passenger seat.

We all talked away like best friends as we made our way back to mine and Lydia's house. It was great, knowing that my best guy friend and my boyfriend got along.

Once we reached the house, Troye said a quick goodbye to Ashton, since he was leaving, and took his suitcase in to be reunited with Lydia and Tyler.

I pulled Ashton into a tight hug, holding each other in place as I breathed in his mixed scent of clean cotton and Hugo Boss cologne. It was strangely comforting and homely.

"I need to go now, babe. I have that interview, I'm afraid," Ashton mumbled gently, pulling away from the warm embrace, as he pressed his lips to mine.

Our lips moved in perfect alignment, sparks flying in the gaps between our bodies. I started to feel myself get week at the knees, ,and I became reliant on his strong arms around my waist to keep me steady.

We pulled away to soon, and Ashton climbed back into the driver's seat of his black car, and the engine roared to life as he drove back down the driveway. I stayed standing where I was up until he was out of sight, when I turned around and walked back into the house.

"I'm making spaghetti, Iz!" I heard Lydia's slight Irish twang shout through the house, and I called a reply, collapsing down next to Tyler.

"Ok, just give me a shout if you need a hand!"

"Are you tired, Troye?" I asked the Australian, who was sat scrolling through his phone aimlessly. He looked up at me and smiled before answering.

"No, actually! The plane was nearly empty, so I got a lot of sleep on there!" He chirped, and I nodded, smiling.

$$$$$$   ($-Cause I'm a gangsta)

A few hours and a large portion of spaghetti later, the four of us were sat watching She's The Man, probably because our mutual love for both foetus Amanda Bynes and Channing Tatum.

After the film finished, we all went to bed. Tyler was going to stay in the spare room, which wasn't too glamorous, but he didn't mind, seeing as the tour was going to start in a couple of days.

Troye was staying on the sofa, and I made sure he was comfortable before I went upstairs. Once I had gotten ready for bed, I scrolled through Tumblr for a bit, and noticed there were pictures of Ashton and I from today posted, but I thought nothing of it. The world would have to find out at some point anyway.

Just before I was about to fall asleep, I received a text message from Ashton.

From: Ashton xxx

I was wondering if you wanted to do something tomorrow, since you're leaving the day after? :) Anyway, you're probably asleep, but I'll speak to you in the morning! Sweet dreams, cupcake! :) xxx


So guys, just a quick, short update! I am leaving tomorrow to go on a road trip down to London, which will probably take a good 8 hours, so I may get some writing done then!

But sadly, I'm probably not going to get WiFi for the next week! (I don't know how I'll survive) So there probably isn't going to be any updates until I get back!

Feel free to follow me on Twitter, @Megan25Dreams

I love you all so much for reading! Please vote, comment and follow me (I follow back!)

Alright, Bye guys!

Megan x

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