Chapter 15

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Today I was leaving with Lydia, Troye and Tyler for the American leg of the tour. I was going to miss Ashton yet again, but we were stronger now.

Because our flight wasn't until late tonight, I was hanging out with Ashton all day, and we were making a video for my channel. It was the 'Not My Hands' tag, and I was currently sat on Ashton's lap as he slipped his arms around me.

"Hi, guys! Today I'm doing the 'Not My Hands' tag with Ashton, my boyfriend! Say hi, Ash!" I smiled down over my shoulder at him, as he waved to the camera.

"Hi guys!" He smiled.

"And for this specific challenge, Ashton will be attempting to get me ready! And I'm really scared!" I chuckled nervously, before nodding to Ashton to start.

"So, first, Iz has got to have her makeup done! Which is strange, because she really doesn't need it, but oh well!" He sighed, and I bent round to peck his cheek, for being so sweet. I then gave the camera a horrified look as I watched him splodge an extreme amount of foundation on his hands.

"Ash, I think that's a bit much!" I giggled, shrieking slightly as the cool liquid came into contact with my face. He started to rub it in quite harshly to my face.

"Ahhh, Ashton you're hurting me!" I said, still giggling at the sensation of the tickle left on my cheeks.

"Oh, sorry!" He said, instantly lightening his touch. I smiled, and nodded in acknowledgement.

After another twenty minutes, Ashton had not so successfully applied makeup to my face and brushed my hair, even though it turned it into a complete rat's nest. But I didn't care, as long as I was spending time with him before we would be separated again.

"I'm going to wash this off, I'll be back in a second!" I chirped, leaving a massive red kiss stain on his cheek due to the heavy lipstick he had used.


After I had managed to remove most of the clown makeup and brushed my hair out, I walked back downstairs, and something smelled delicious.

I tried to contain my laughter as I walked into the kitchen. Ashton had his back to me as he worked at the counter, so he hadn't seen that I was there yet. He had my pink and white polka dot apron tied around his waist, his hips swaying as he whistled along to the Anarbor song that was playing from my docking station.

"So, if you wanna piss off your parents, date me to scare them, show them you're all grown up!" I sang, causing him to jump in fright. I started giggling, because he was just so damn adorable!

"You ok, babe?" I asked through my laughter, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder. I smiled slightly as a few of the brown curls from his head tickled my cheek.

"Yeah, you just frightened me!" He giggled, turning his head and placing a soft kiss to my forehead. I watched as he stirred the wok on the stove, which was full of loads of different ingredients, and smelled amazing.

"What's cooking, good looking?" I asked, causing us both to go into fits of laughter, and it was a good couple of minutes before Ashton had composed himself enough to answer me.

"Stir fry!" He smiled.

After he had finished, with my help, we are the food, and I checked the time.

"I need to go soon," I sighed, standing up from my seat across the table from him, walking over to him, and he pulled me down to sit in his lap.

"Is it selfish of me not to want you to go?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"No, I don't think it is anyway," I replied, placing a small kiss to his lips.

"But, it's not right for me not to want you to go, since its your career, and I should be happy for you, which I am, but I just would prefer to be with you."

"Ash, there will be times when the tables have turned, and its you that's going away, and Ne that doesn't want you to leave, but we're strong! We can make it through these types of obstacles!" I smiled, and he nodded in agreement, smiling with me.

"I love you, Isobel Greene!" He mumbled into my cheek, causing a blush to rise to it.

"I love you too, Ashton Irwin!" I smiled, attaching his lips to mine in a heated kiss.


After spending the rest of the day just cuddling with Ashton, watching movies and talking about everything and nothing, we were now at the airport.

Lydia, Troye and Tyler were all at a cafe somewhere, since they had decided that Ashton and I should have some time alone while we still could.

Well, as alone as we could be with the paps following us the whole time. We eventually just sat down at a bench, Ashton grabbing my legs and draping them over his lap.

"You ok?" He asked, as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I'll miss you like crazy," I whispered sadly, and he placed a kiss to my forehead. We stayed in that position until the monotone voice came over the tannoy, informing that everyone for the flight to L.A. had to make their was to the podium.

Ashton stood up, pulling slightly on my hand to help me, lacing our fingers as he walked us over.

"I guess this is it," He sighed, wrapping his strong arms tightly around my waist. I wrapped mine around his neck, connecting our lips in a passionate kiss. I completed blocked out the stares that people were giving us, which would normally cause me to panic, but not now.

All that mattered was Ashton.

"I don't want to say goodbye," He mumbled against my lips, resting his forehead on mine as vibrations radiated through me.

"It's not goodbye, it's see you soon," I replied, pulling away from him completely before wrapping him in a hug again, savouring the his crisp scent which had quickly become one of my favourite scents.

"I love you, Iz," He whispered against my neck, his hot breath fanning out over my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

"I love you too, Ash. I'll call you when we land," I smiled, placing another kiss to his lips, before pulling away from him completely and walking over to the ticket podium where Troye, Tyler and Lydia awaited me.

I took one look to Ashton over my shoulder, before stepping into the tunnel, where my view was blocked from him completely.

This was going to be a long month.


Oh my god, guys! So sorry for the long wait! I have no excuse other than that I'm lazy!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Love, Megan x

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